Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Forward and back

Instead of looking forward, it is often better to look back. There you will find what has actually been achieved. Eschew the making of empty professions.

Remember what was done right, but do not forget the wrong. To fix a problem, its existence must be acknowledged. After that, you can focus on a solution.

Our firm decisions tend not to last. We make big plans, but have no intention of carrying them out. We would rather draw attention to our good intentions.

The things we do show the strength of our resolve. They provide a foundation on which to build. If you would attain success, abstain from contentment.

It is not as important how things begin as how they end. Mistakes will be made along the way. What matters is whether we finish what was started.

Obstacles arise to impede our progress. Do not be the cause of your own obstruction. Sometimes, all that is really required is to get out of your own way.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Beneath the trappings

The holiday season is full of hustle and bustle. We stress ourselves out to make the season bright. In the midst of this, what is important can be missed.

Beneath the trappings you will find the people. More precious than presents is just to be present. In the stillness, one learns to cherish each moment.

We are the gift that can continually give. Things lose their luster, but hearts shine even when they beat no more. Time passes, but the love remains.

No one is an island in this sea of humanity. It is easy to forget there are bridges between us. Families are provided, while one's friends are discovered.

Do not let the differences become cause for division. We can either pull together or be pulled apart. Connections broken cannot always be mended.

This is the one life we have. These are the people we have been blessed with. If we do not appreciate what is given, we will come to mourn its loss.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Irritation avoidance

We often give minor irritations major consideration. As if being inconvenienced was a serious problem. Our reaction should be to just relax.

Everything cannot go our way. There will be times when we do not get what we want. When one stops expecting, they can start experiencing life. 

What is allowed to get to us will do so. Disagreements can escalate quickly into something far worse. A debate is over once it becomes an argument.

Our world is filled with bodies in motion. So, there are going to be collisions. It is not what happens, but how we respond to it that is most important.

You do not stand up for yourself by trampling others. The squeaky wheel most often gets the grease. If the noise continues, a replacement is needed.

Some people walk around with a chip on their shoulder. They should be the ones to knock it off. Rather than starting trouble, it is best to avoid it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Thinking and feeling

We put a lot of stock in how we feel. Yet, the one thing sure about emotions is that they change. How can anyone rely on something so undependable?

Feelings come and go as they wish. In a matter of moments, one can go from happy to sad. A firm decision cannot be made on such unstable ground.

The heart feels what should be done. However, the head must determine the means to do it. Things are more apt to work when the two work together.

Those who focus on feelings tend to get tossed about. Around they go, not knowing where they might stop. Be sure it will not be where they intended.

To think oneself into a corner is easily done. The only way out is to look within. There you will find that the beat of one's heart has no need for reason.

Thinking and feeling both have their place. Fools neglect the former, and without the latter you are dead inside. Only as a team can they succeed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A little prevention

Life can really put the miles on you. No matter how careful you are, accidents have a way of happening. No one makes it out unscathed.

With a little bit of prevention, a whole lot of misery can be avoided. There are many dangers out there. Remain alert if you would stay healthy.

What cannot be averted must be borne. It is amazing how resilient humans are. However, it also means our suffering can be quite prolonged.

Over the years, bumps and bruises will accumulate. What starts as a minor issue, can become a major one. The longer it lasts, the worse it could get.

One's spirit can be so much stronger than their flesh. Our bodies have limits which cannot be denied. Only what is inside can push us beyond these.

Eventually, the wearing and tearing takes its toll. The better care you take, the better off you will be. Prevent what you can, and endure what you must.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Words and deeds

What we do will show who we are. The things we say can be total fabrications. Yet, an individual's deeds have a way of bearing themselves out.

There are those who say one thing and do another. Do not expect consistency from such as these. You can only truly depend on them being false.

It is best to let our deeds speak for us. Since they carry more weight, they are more apt to prove the point. Then, others can see what you mean.

One cannot be what they are not. A costume is only good until someone descries the zipper. Then, the illusion is lost while the truth is revealed.

People often become entangled in their own lies. Falsehoods breed at an alarming rate. Yet, they are fragile in nature and rarely survive scrutiny.

Proof removes the necessity for trust. Giving your word does not mean it should be taken. Instead, let your actions show you mean what you say.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Course correction

Sometimes life interferes with your best efforts. Things were going so well until you hit a wall. Often, the hardest thing to do is to back up and regroup.

Fear makes a mountain from a small mound of dirt. Giving in to it will only make matters worse. Remain calm, and a solution will present itself.

Decisions may be required, and then action taken. A slight adjustment can make all the difference. It is our course not the map that needs correcting.

Ignoring problems gives them time to grow. It does not take long for everything to get out of hand. If we drop the ball, someone else will pick it up.

We do not get to choose what the outcome will be. However, what we do will affect it for good or for ill. Be sure not to fail in your one contribution.

When a plan fails, leave it where it lies. Marshal all your resources to determine the way forward. What you neglect could be the key to success.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Making connections

Humans do not thrive in isolation. Without social interaction, they tend to fade away. More problems come from the absence of people than their presence.

It is hard to survive in a place where no one knows you. The effect of acquaintances is often underestimated. Yet, they are still a form of contact.

When moving to another area, it is vital to meet people. Seek out groups with interests you share. They will not come to you, so you must go to them.

Be patient when you are making connections. Recklessness can wreck everything. Once the seed has been planted, care is required for friendships to grow.

Do not demand, nor should you depend. It is always best to leave your problems at the door. Only those who know you will offer to bear your burdens.

These things do not happen overnight. Time is required and common experience preferred. When a person becomes isolated, it is up to them to reconnect.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Visualize then actualize

People set lofty goals, yet lack the interest to achieve them. Intentions are useless without action. We must put in the effort to realize our aspirations.

Words may sound good, but are empty without deeds. Those quick in the talking are often slow in the doing. The proof can be seen in the outcome.

It is important to actualize what you visualize. Ideas are fine, but they are merely a starting point. These are the raw materials used to make art.

Instead of starting big, focus on something small. Put all your energies into it. When you have succeeded in little, you will be ready for much.

Grander plans require more patience. There will be plenty of obstacles to overcome. Since others do not share your vision, they must be persuaded.

Fanciful notions tend to die on the vine. When a flaw is revealed, focus on a fix. The end result will be a product that is better than you imagined.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Realm of wonder

Dreams are the playground of the mind. When we sleep, all manner of creativity takes place. The possibilities are endless in this realm of wonder.

Our eyes are shut to the world, but our imaginations are free to roam. Sometimes, this leads to trouble. Yet, it ends at the moment we awake.

Though we dream a lot, very little is remembered. Upon waking, the memories quickly fade. What seemed so real becomes a vague recollection.

While the body is resting, our minds are quite active. We experience visions which cause both joy and fear. Their meaning is not always apparent.

Perception does not require understanding. One can be aware of much they cannot comprehend. Even in the light of day, many questions go unanswered.

If you remember a dream, it may be important. Your subconscious could be trying to communicate. Be patient until the mystery has been revealed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ignorance of significance

Details can be the difference between something good and a work of art.  A slight change could be all that is needed. The end result can be staggering.

Big things tend to take care of themselves. It is that which we overlook which comes back to haunt us. The ghost will not leave while the flaw remains.

We will be reminded of what has been missed. Even if no one else notices, it will stick out like a sore thumb. The only remedy is to correct our mistake.

It does not pay to do sloppy work. Most likely, the client will seek out someone more professional. And then, one's resources will begin to dwindle.

Always strive to make the next thing better than the last. Mend any tears and make the rough edges smooth. The quality will show how much you care.

Ignorance of significance is no excuse. Making changes is inconvenient, but necessarily so. One can either fix it now, or dwell upon it indefinitely.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The fear response

It is quite natural to be afraid. Fear is meant to protect us from dangerous situations. However if we let it rule us, then it becomes part of the problem.

There are two basic responses to danger: fight or flight. Often, it is best to just run away. Yet, there are times when it is imperative to stand your ground.

Being scared can be fun, so long as there is no actual peril. It gets the blood pumping and makes you feel alive. When things get real, the thrill wanes.

When one's fear takes over, it is time to face it. To succumb means it will haunt you indefinitely. Take a good hard look, and let the terror fade away.

If actual harm is imminent, escape is the preferred option. Fighting should be the last resort. Whether a fight is won or lost, the damage can be severe.

How one reacts to fear says a lot about them. Do not be fearful, nor should you be reckless. Instead, recognize the danger and focus on overcoming it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Existing alone

There are distinct advantages to living alone. In the solitude, one is able to focus on what they are doing. The distractions you may have are few.

It is much easier for a single person to make decisions. A course of action can be chosen at a whim. Changing one's mind is easily done, as well.

Human beings require social interaction. So, you still need to spend time with family and friends. Being all by yourself can drive anyone crazy.

Some relationships work quite well. It is best when one individual complements the other. Without this symbiosis, people will tend to drift apart.

Existing alone only becomes a problem if you are lonely. People do the worst things to combat this state. It is better to be solitary than dependent.

Single people are required to provide for themselves. If they do not, they will be forced to do without. In order to survive, they must be responsible.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Real monsters

Real monsters wear human faces. They could even be someone that you think you know. Yet, appearances can be affected and thus are deceiving.

A smile can be disarming. Watch out, because that may very well be the goal. If you let down your guard, you will find out what their expression means.

People who care do not try to convince you. Trust is not asked for, nor should it be expected. Those who are genuine are not obsessed with appearances.

The ones who speak sweetest can do so with the most ill intent.  Be not beguiled by their words. Watch what they do, and the truth will be revealed.

Some of the most wicked individuals are the best actors. That is how they survive in our world. These are merely wolves who are masquerading as sheep.

If it sounds too good, expect to be taken for a ride. This will not be a place that you want to go. For upon reaching the destination, there will be a loss.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The written word

Reading is an exercise of the mind. Mental faculties become weak through disuse. They are strengthened through the power of the written word.

We can learn a great deal from nonfiction. However, it is fiction that tends to inspire. The enjoyment of a story far outweighs the accumulation of facts.

It is not enough to just read a book. For the full experience, digestion is required. Similar to how our bodies break down food, our minds process ideas.

Those who read are apt to have better comprehension. A big part of writing is communicating concepts. What is written must be clearly conveyed.

Some mediums provide you with images. With books, you are required to form your own mental picture. It does not need to match that of the author.

One can read about many different things. Regardless, there is an interest to be explored. Instead of limiting yourself, seek to broaden your horizons.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leaders and followers

Those who cannot set their own path must be led. Be careful who you choose to follow. In order to lead, they should have an idea where to go.

It takes vision to be a good leader. You need to be able to see what others cannot. Otherwise, you and your followers will both wind up in a ditch.

The preference is to make your own decisions. An inability to do so leaves you in a vulnerable state. And there are many who will exploit that.

Following seems to be the easier way. Someone else will bear the responsibility. Yet, when things go bad, you will still suffer along with them.

People love to play the blame game. They refuse to decide, but complain when a decision is made. If left in their hands, nothing would get done.

The ones who are not decisive should be supportive. Then, the team will be able to progress. Do not pick a leader, only to nitpick all they do.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Earned approbation

It is best to beware of those who heap praise upon you. Friends say good things begrudgingly. Be sure that flattery does not come without a price.

There are those whose tongues drip with compliments. Watch your back and your bank account. Listen at your own risk, and follow at your peril.

Not every kind word is meant to ensnare. Some people genuinely mean what they say. Usually, they will make a statement and let it stand on its own.

Criticism comes easier than commendation. It is far simpler to point out one's faults than their merits. Also, arrogance will be naturally discouraged.

Some feel that extolling the virtues of one diminishes themselves. So, they hold such things within. No one is better for not giving what is deserved.

Those who do well have earned their approbation. Be suspicious when receiving what was not sought. Someone is expecting to benefit thereby.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Giving and getting

What you do tends to come back to you. Those who care for others are more likely to be cared for. Yet, the indifferent expect to be treated differently.

Hurting people fills them with the desire to repay in kind. Helping them can inspire similar feelings. What we get is in direct proportion to what we give.

The vengeful yearn to see their tormentors grimace. But that is not how these things usually work. Live well, and leave them to whatever may come.

It is possible to vex someone with kindness. Still, there are those who cannot be moved. Let them remain in place, just like the stones which they are.

We are happiest when such are left behind. To dwell on their deeds is attention they do not deserve. When ignored, they languish in their irrelevance.

May they be starved of the thing they so desperately crave. The world will go on when they are gone. It might even be a better place without them in it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Playing the victim

When we are suffering, it does not mean we are being singled out. Most likely, we have just joined the club. Misery is something that is shared by all.

There is a difference between a problem and an inconvenience. The former requires action to overcome. For the latter, we should toughen up.

Even if we were right, drawing attention to it is wrong. Those who hurt others want to see their pain. Let them be denied the one thing they desired.

It is easy to feel persecuted. There are many who delight in playing the victim. Yet, what do they really have to show us besides all those scars?

In order to succeed, it is necessary to overcome. May the trials we face serve to set an example. Then, others can learn from our painful experience.

If the drama is too great, it is no longer real. There are far better roles than to play the pincushion. Instead, be the thimble they cannot get through.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pushing further

Human beings can accomplish great things. We have explored the globe, from the heights to the depths. The danger merely inspires the daring.

A sense of adventure can turn into vainglory. Be wary when expecting others to see what you have done. Let the achievement be its own reward.

None of this is granted, though we tend to take it that way. There is a price that must be paid. Breakthroughs often leave the broken behind.

The ones who come after benefit the most. They will enjoy the fruits of another's labor. It is indeed shameful if they do not even show their gratitude.

It is not just anyone that can beat the odds. Those who determine to succeed will sometimes fail. The one burden they will not have to carry is regret.

We cannot deny our limitations, but they can be tested. We do not really know how far we can go. But there will always be those who push further.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Jumping at shadows

Patience is needed when matters do not go our way. It is easy to panic, but no good will come from it. Instead, you could end up with more problems.

It is best not to fulfill our own prophecies. Look for trouble, and it will magically appear. No trick is required to draw the wrong kind of attention.

The most important thing is to remain calm. Only then, will you be able to focus on a solution. Sometimes, the answer will come quite easily.

An agitated mind tends to run around in circles. Sure, the exertion might be cathartic. But when you stop, you will find no progress has been made.

We often jump at our own shadows. Our thoughts will push us into the darkest of corners. And then, we are surprised that the worst comes to pass.

Reality is filled with disappointments aplenty. Our internal input is not actually required. If anything, it distracts us from the real troubles at hand.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Greater expectations

Having more does not make things any easier. Now, you have more to lose. There are those who will be only too happy if you were to lose everything.

Along with greater resources come greater expectations. Others will make financial decisions for you. What is not taken could end up frittered away.

Many people must live with unfulfilled needs. But they tend to obsess over the things that they want. So, the little they get will inevitably be wasted.

Society takes notice of those who have means. Prospects will be scrutinized and offers made. In the end, little is given and yet much is expected.

Love comes easy when pockets are deep. It goes just as easily when the money runs out. Such relationships really only have value on paper.

The ones who dream of going far tend to lose sight of themselves. Do not be afraid to enjoy what is earned. Rather, resist the urge to get lost in it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Count your blessings

It is easy to compile a list of grievances. How many of us take the time to count our blessings? There is so much for which we should be grateful.

Life and health are things we take for granted. Yet, the loss of such can be quite sudden. If you are blessed with both, consider yourself fortunate.

To have a job means you can support yourself and others. Who can survive without family and friends? Yet, none of these are guaranteed.

No one has been gifted with a perfect life. Each of us has struggles and trials that we must face. Still, how many are left to fend for themselves?

Natural talents abound, and everyone can do something. Do you waste that which is cherished? Use what you have while you are able to do so.

People miss the good by focusing on the bad. How much truly escapes our notice? If you neglect what is provided, do not expect to be given more.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Path of inspiration

There are things we do that get pushed aside. For whatever reason, our energy fades and we move on. Yet, they have a way of coming around again.

Sometimes, we are not in the right frame of mind. Creative interests follow the path of inspiration. Be assured that what you want to do will be done.

Buried notions are like seeds: something can grow from them. Go the way your heart leads. Do not be surprised when what was lost springs forth.

That which keeps coming back is a part of you. It has a voice which maybe only you can hear. This song can remind us of our forgotten pleasure.

It is important to focus on the here and now. When we let them, the pieces tend to fall into place. Control will only stifle what happens naturally.

Understanding is not required to make progress. We may not know the ending, but the direction is clear. As we go along, more will be revealed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Time and place

This is the only time and place we can expect to have. Life is full of so much uncertainty. Any opportunities we lose may never be recovered.

Waiting to do something is tantamount to doing nothing. We were not moved to action before. The same excuses are likely to keep preventing us.

It takes discipline to continue moving forward. We must surmount all obstacles to our progress. If we stop, the current will just push us downstream.

Instead of asking why, we should ask why not? Things get done when we are determined to do them. The second guess rarely leads to achievement.

Ideal circumstances are not likely to materialize. Expect everything to go wrong, and react accordingly. Then, you will not be disappointed.

Time will not wait for you to get your act together. Do not look for your place: it is right here. Those who waste what they have face a lifetime of regret.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Exhaust yourself

Many people seem to be weary of life. Is existence so hard, or do so many tire too easily? As the years pass, it is up to us to make them count.

Death is not a good thing, yet there are those who run towards it. They indulge in self-destructive behavior. And thus, are their days shortened.

Those who survive will be worn and torn. Yet, this is the place where we prove ourselves. Through all of the ups and downs, we can stand tall.

Instead of dying for something, we should try living. It does not have the same dramatic effect. Still, we get a lot more done while above ground.

When you are feeling down, it is time to get up. Accomplishment overcomes discouragement. If you have anything to show you should not be sorry.

Do not be weary... exhaust yourself. It feels good to know you have given your all. When your time comes to die, may it be that you have lived.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Being human

Humanity is wasted on most people. Caring should come naturally to those who are able to feel. Yet, often something so simple is woefully lacking.

We have an endless capacity for good. Evil is manifested in all the missing pieces. It is the hole right through the place where the heart should be.

What we envision can be made real. This has been done so often that it goes without saying. The only question is how will we utilize this capability?

Humans can make the environment suit their purposes. We are able to make the desert bloom. Are there are any frontiers that are beyond our reach?

With all the things we can be, so many fall short. They dig a hole and bury their gifts inside. One can only hope that something will take root there.

Live up to the potential which has been placed in your hands. Do not concern yourself with what others do. It is hard enough just being human.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Necessary risks

In our lives, there will be risks we need to take. Those who play it safe will not win the game. Having something to lose is the best motivation to succeed.

Those who are reckless tend to wreck everything. We should be aware of the consequences for failure. Then, we will know what must be avoided.

Losing a single battle does not usually mean the war is over. It is important to learn how to fail forward. A loss can be turned into an advantage.

Achieving our dreams requires more than mere heart. Good decisions will also be necessary. Otherwise, we end up with just the highest of hopes.

Much suffering could come along the way. Do not let the fear of pain act as a deterrent. Taking a stand is much better than to fall on one's sword.

Understand the risk before you take it. If moving will not help you advance, you should stay in place. Look for an opportunity, and then you seize it.

Before the Dawn

A poem about being able to go on.

Before the Dawn

Dark the night and the shadows deep,
as we lay down and fall to sleep.
Our goal is but to greet the sun,
before our final song is sung.

This is our life for good or ill,
a world of strife that saps our will.
The hardest things with which we struggle:
daily pain and constant trouble.

What do we hope to one day see?
Is there an end to misery?
With all we do and all we say,
will it be cruelly snatched away?

Our hearts can take only so much,
before we feel death’s icy touch.
Solace is sought, not to be found.
Wishes are brought into the ground.

Yet, what we fear is nothing new.
Shedding our tears we make it through.
Telling ourselves once more to rise,
off the shelf and into the skies.

All of our loss is turned aside.
Despair is tossed, dismay denied.
That which conspired to cause us grief,
now has expired, beyond belief.

For when the smoke does flee away,
we have awoke to see the day.
Standing upright, we take some steps;
into the light, up from the depths.

Holding our precious memories,
feeling the blessed cooling breeze.
What we will find, while going on:
the darkest time before the dawn.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Standards and practice

Some people are held to a higher standard. Then, there are those who expect more of themselves. What others think should not affect what you do.

Do not trust someone who avoids responsibility. Speech that is not backed up by action is just words. Live the things you say and others might listen.

Beware of drawing too much attention. Those who do will end up endlessly scrutinized. Their every waking hour will be spent under the microscope.

Do better merely for the sake of doing so. Though it seems to be missed, it will not go unnoticed. If one person follows suit, then it is worth the trouble.

If someone looks up to you do not look down on them. The failings you see could be all too familiar. Experience should fill us with a sense of empathy.

Be an example for others to follow. Then, lead them as best you can. It will not get easier, but you will get more from the journey and the destination.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Live each day

There is not a way to turn back the clock. However, large amounts of stress can put the years on you. All of that anxiety just leads to an early ending.

Age may just be a number, but it is one that keeps getting larger. Still, it is our health we must be concerned with. The mileage can only get so high.

Those who take care of themselves tend to have better longevity. Our bodies can only take so much abuse. Then, they collapse and take us with them.

People expire on the inside before the outside comes into play. We can only be depressed for so long. The time comes when one is unable to go on.

Live each day like it is the only one you have. Tomorrow is a dream that might not come true. So, make the most of whatever you are blessed with.

Burdens are to be borne, not to lead us to the ground. The less you worry, the happier you will be. Do not let the lines on your face start with a frown.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Trail of destruction

Anger is one of the most useless emotions. It leads people to do the most foolish things. Giving into it can destroy a person, and the ones they love.

We all become upset when things do not go our way. Feeding those feelings will only make things worse. Let them grow and you will regret it.

It takes effort to retain one's calm. Remind yourself that a momentary release could do serious damage. Innocents could be caught in the blast.

Rage leaves a trail of destruction behind it. In the absence of fuel, fire ceases to burn. Do not wait until the blaze has grown out of control.

That which seems to keep you warm can consume everything. Releasing it will not be sufficient. Do not rest until the flames are extinguished.

People are a daily test of our patience. Frustration builds only when we let it. If we are able to relax, then the seething rage will just fade away.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thoughts and feelings

We tend to take what we think quite seriously. Whether it can be backed up or not is of little concern. If we say it, then the matter has been settled.

Our knowledge is limited at best. With so many pieces of the puzzle missing, why guess what the picture is? Just wait for the truth to be revealed.

Two cents is really just a penny and some change. Will what you wish to say make anything better? If not, then it is not worth saying to begin with.

Often we let our feelings decide our actions. No serious decisions should be made according to one's mood. Emotions are notoriously unreliable.

People assert themselves to seem important. What does it matter to have the support of one's followers? Their approval changes nothing.

Voicing a thought does not make it so. No matter how strong the feeling, it could be wrong. Show you care and leave the grandstanding to others.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sense of readiness

A lot of the frustrations we face are due to bad timing. This is not a cause for shame. Since we do not know everything, mistakes are bound to happen.

Some people have a better sense of this than others. It pays to be at the right place at the right time. If you cannot, then make sure what you do counts.

Those who are late have already lowered expectations. The results of this can be disastrous. Things get worse when others end up being affected.

We cannot be held responsible for our lack of foresight. Yet, a little forethought can save a lot of grief. Those who do not plan ahead do fall behind.

Understand that nothing goes according to plan. Be ready to adapt to changing circumstances. Some of the most productive thinking is done on the spot.

The attentive tend to have better timing. Being aware of what goes on around you gives a sense of readiness. A little preparation can go a long way.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Minor inconveniences

Often, the problems we face are just minor inconveniences. The earth is not shattered, nor the sky rent. Slight difficulties get blown out of proportion.

If we let things get to us, they will. When not maintained, one's calm is readily lost. It is paramount that we put all of our efforts into finding it again.

Count to ten, or backwards from a hundred. Do whatever it takes to contain your aggravation. Otherwise, a ripple can grow into a tidal wave.

Such matters are not worth the energy expended. Those who give in only succeed in making a mess. Their expectations are for others to clean it up.

Rage does not easily go back from whence it spewed. Cool down in order to prevent a meltdown. Unchecked anger will tend to put others in danger.

It is important to be able to relax. Be mindful of the least, but focus on what matters most. More mistakes are made when we forget our priorities.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Something to lose

When things are going well, be wary. Now that you have something to lose, it is vital to be careful. Or else, all that you have gained could be gone.

Do not take what you have for granted. It can always be taken away. Sadly, human beings tend to realize their blessings only when such are absent.

Gaining is not as hard as maintaining. Once matters start moving in a positive direction, keep them that way. Resist the temptation to rest and relax.

If you reach a goal, then set another. Contentment is a slow means to a dismal end. We must constantly struggle against the tendency to stop.

Expect that everything will fall apart. You will be more apt to see the dangers coming. It is easier to prevent problems, than to deal with them later.

Cherish your achievements, but do not rest on your laurels. Do not let a single milestone be your final destination. Know there is so much farther to go.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Music of action

It is good to be confident, but not overly so. Recognize what you do well without becoming arrogant. Otherwise, others will delight in your correction.

Accomplishment speaks so much louder than words. The proof in the pudding is there for all to see. Let the burden be upon them to prove otherwise.

Delighting in another's failings just brings yours to the surface. There will be things that we struggle with. How we handle them shows our character.

People are proud of the most shameful things. Instead of preening, they should be avoiding eye contact. Sometimes, it is better to eschew attention.

Refrain from using confidence as a weapon. It tends to paint the target on your back. Be assured, there will be plenty who are willing to take a shot.

Be confident in your capabilities, not in another's shortcomings. What you do speaks volumes. Let the music of action be the only words needed.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Choosing well

As adults, we are responsible for the choices we make. Bad decisions can lead to dire consequences. Yet if we choose well, the rewards could be great.

Deciding based on the outcome is a sure way to go down the wrong path. It will be hard to even find the way back. Do what is best, and all else follows.

We all make mistakes, but some make a habit of it. When it becomes a mess, clean it up. Then, take all steps needed to ensure it does not happen again.

Good decisions will not often be made with ease. Troubles may arise, along with doubts. That which is best does not always make one feel very good.

The results have a voice of their own. The longer the run, the more things come into focus. It is easier to deceive oneself for a season than a full cycle.

We cannot choose whether we will live or die. Our choices do influence what happens while we are here. Those who would do well should choose well.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dealing with anything

It is best not to get our hopes up. Prepare for the worst and you shall not be disappointed. Whenever things work out it will be a pleasant surprise.

We should not dwell on the negative. There is nothing wrong with hoping for the best. Understand what we receive is so rarely what was desired.

If we are honest, we can deal with anything. Nothing good comes from deceiving yourself. The bad times become worse when you are not ready.

Those with great aspirations should brace themselves for a bumpy ride. Happy endings are not easy to come by. Expect to earn whatever you get.

There is satisfaction in overcoming adversities. We learn what our limitations are and push past them. Put forth the effort if you would see the reward. 

Hope is the planting of the seed. Much can happen to hinder its growth. Be prepared to face these obstacles, and then you can reap the harvest. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Many threads

What seems like a chance encounter can have deeper significance. Do not take anything for granted. It could be an opportunity to make a friend.

Life has a way of bringing people together. By meeting one person, you might come to know others. These connections can last for quite awhile.

Put your expectations to the side. If a situation does not go well, something good can still come from it. Just keep your eyes and your heart open.

Do not spoil the outcome by trying to determine it. Our knowledge is limited, along with our understanding. Be ready for whatever comes.

We are not the only ones affected by what we do. The slightest mistake can have unintended consequences. No one can really be an island.

Looking back, it will always seem clearer. While it is happening, confusion is likely. Many threads are woven together to make a beautiful tapestry.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Satisfied inside

Some people are never happy. It is either too hot or too cold; too wet or too dry; too much or too little. Happiness does not come from the outside.

Those who complain tend to make a habit of it. So, the ones around them eventually tune them out. If you whine constantly, others will cease to listen.

Ideal circumstances do not a joyful heart make. It is possible to rejoice in the worst of times. When you have reached bottom, the only way to go is up.

To want is to go on wanting. Be wary not to be found that way. What we need is already in our hands, and we possess the ability to do so much better.

Changing the world is beyond our power. No matter how much we push, it will push back. The flow of reality will inevitably force us downstream.

Who we are is not for them to decide. Satisfaction is not determined by the way we feel. Having only the basic needs met, one can still be satisfied. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Burden of convenience

From day to day we are constantly vexed by minor annoyances. Some things break, while others wear out. Still if we let it get to us, then it will.

There are inventions which make our lives easier. We become accustomed to having them available. So, when they are gone we become frustrated.

They are not necessary for our existence, merely our convenience. It is not wrong to have these things. However, we should not depend on them.

Too many straws and the back will collapse. Minor matters can only grow into major ones if we allow it. Do not let comfort be turned into a burden.

What you have should never have you. Let go of anything that tends to test your patience. No advantage is worth the irritation experienced.

People are hard enough to deal with. Our possessions can easily turn into encumbrances. The time comes when their loss ends up being a great relief.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Unexpected meaning

Pastimes can have unexpected meaning. They might start as something done to while away the day. Yet later, they could have real sentimental value.

It is the little things we do that are often underestimated. We do not know their importance at first glance. Their enjoyment is an unsung pleasure.

Larger matters tend to take care of themselves. A simple decision can be worth more than any other. A single utterance can do a great deal of damage. 

Quality need not come in great quantity. A moment spent caring is better than a lifetime wasted. What you have to show will mean so much more.

Though years may pass, the memory will stay. It could become a precious reminder of time gone by. When you least suspect, is when it comes to mind.

Do not get lost in the chaos of life. Stand firm while everything is spinning around you. The burdens of existence cannot be allowed to cover the blessings.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Interest to inspiration

Our experiences of real enthusiasm are few and far between. So, it must be nurtured whenever we see it. For such interest can give birth to inspiration.

Often, we do things for the sake of another. When someone is genuinely enthused, they yearn to share. Do not be the one raining on their parade.

As infectious as these things are, do not be surprised to be caught up in them. Their nature is to spread. Enjoyment is found when we least expect.

It is not hard to be swept up in someone's vision. You can go along for the ride. Yet, it is better to be the one who makes the journey more fulfilling.

With those who cannot be moved, one must question their humanity. To be alive is to be able to feel. We should not emulate the things which cannot.

When we share the excitement of others, then it can grow. The interest takes on a life of its own. Who knows what fruit will come from such fertile soil?

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Job well done

Each of us has things we are good at. It is shameful when we let our talents go to waste. That which we do not use will inevitably fall apart from disuse.

Practice is what turns an idea into a genuine interest. We do what we love even when no one is watching. Without a bit of praise, we will proceed.

No one starts out as an expert. It takes time to learn the best way to do things. Those who are quick to criticize are slow to put forth an effort themselves.

Art is not born of knowledge but of heart. It is does not matter how others have done it. We all have our own style and it will be reflected in the work.

Those who excel learn the techniques. They show respect for what others have accomplished. Then, they set out to do something which is their own.

It is the enthusiasm which gives you energy to continue. The difficulties should never rob you of the joy. Let the exhaustion come from a job well done.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Built to last

Things do not last in this world. Often, they are made with the cheapest materials. It takes great care to keep them together long enough to even be useful.

What you build the elements could take away. Even the best workmanship can be lost in a fire. We are fortunate if what we have is here after a few years.

That which exists inside has a better chance. But we must communicate it to those around us. When others share our passions, they have more longevity.

If you love something, it already has a higher standing. You would not think of planning for its obsolescence. Time may pass, but it will still remain.

Yet, the day comes when you must pass it on. Otherwise, when you go it shall accompany you. And the world will have lost something it cannot get back.

Caring has a way of slowing the clock. If it lives in your heart, it can be shared with others. The memories may fade, but the inspiration is built to last.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Our one day

We all get one day a year. It commemorates the day we entered this world. No matter how many have gone by, let not a single one of them be wasted.

It is not just about growing older, but the journey that has brought us this far. We have been through so much. Let us be prepared for what is yet to come.

Take the time to celebrate what has been accomplished. Determine how to overcome your mistakes. Enjoy these fleeting moments before they are past.

Our lives are not just an accumulation of days. What we do will determine their real value. Understand that the rest of one's life begins today.

Many people may share the day of your birth. We will all enjoy it in our own way. Do not let it pass without at least acknowledging what it means.

Enjoyment need not dim with age. The waning of our vigor should have no effect on our smile. For those with a glad heart, age really is just a number.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Being there

Not all problems are easily fixed. Sometimes, it takes some time to put the pieces back together. To get results, you must put in whatever effort is required.

People are not machines, so there is no blueprint for dealing with them. Often, the best that you can do is to listen. Then, you will learn what is needed.

A person's feelings tend to guide their actions. Be careful of your own, and wary of where they will lead. Know that what you do affects more than you.

Set aside your concerns for the sake of others. Do and say only what will make things better. Sometimes, what is best is to maintain one's silence.

Just being there can mean more than anything else. We all have our path to walk in life. Still, it is comforting when we realize we are not traveling alone.

To be loved and supported is a blessing beyond measure. Cherish those who seek to lift your spirits. When you are weak, they will show you your strength.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Giving of yourself

We will put ourselves through much for those we care about. No matter how hard, we will make it work. Their needs have more value than our wants.

If you love someone, prepare to be tested. It shall not be by their expectations, but by your sense of urgency. What they need will somehow be provided.

A person does not really know their limits until a loved one is in peril. Then, you will see how strong the bond is. Everything else gets pushed to the side.

Those who cannot see past themselves will never understand. There is a joy that comes from giving of yourself. Though exhausting, it is most fulfilling.

The time invested will not be wasted. In one way or another, things will be made better. And you can rest, knowing all that could have been done was.

To take is to always be left wanting. To give is the path to satisfaction. That which is required will forever pale in comparison to something freely given.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Comedy relief

No matter how bad it gets, we look for things to make us smile. Comedy provides needed relief. It gives the energy which helps us to keep going.

Laughter is medicine, and sometimes the cure. We realize that our difficulties are not insurmountable. It is indeed best not to take oneself too seriously.

Mockery does not show a sense of humor. It is a snide individual asserting themselves. Putting others down does not elevate anyone in the slightest.

Good humor tends to point fingers inward. We share our experiences for the sake of amusement. The laughter will often be of the sympathetic kind.

It is also amusing to watch people act silly. Yet, if they are mentally imbalanced we react differently. One is therapeutic, while the other is distressing.

We are drawn to those who induce laughter. Years may pass, but our enjoyment remains. There is a special place for the ones who keep us amused.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sink or swim

Life is not really good, nor is it bad. Miserable things happen along with wonderful ones. It is up to us to make sure neither of them goes to waste.

No matter how much you win, sometimes you will lose. How we deal with loss says a great deal. If we let it get us down, then all is truly lost.

The rain falls on both the good and bad alike. Often, it pours down upon us like a flood. We must decide whether we will sink or we will swim.

For fear of death, so many fail to live. What does it matter that all things are fated to end? There is a lot of good that can be done while we are here.

There are things that will last even when we are gone. So long as we invest ourselves in such, all will be well. This is the light they cannot put out.

It is in us to fall or to lay down and rest. What matters is that which induced our fatigue. The ones who sit on the sidelines will not win the race.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Meeting the challenge

We all do things we would rather not. If we only did what we desired, very little would be accomplished. So much would go to waste.

Life is not an easy road. That is why so many perish in the struggle for survival. It takes a great deal of intestinal fortitude to meet the challenge.

What must be done should be our chief concern. The focus of a child is on what they want. We have grown beyond to a world of responsibilities.

Invoking one's feelings is a sign of weakness. It shows that you cannot handle your own affairs. Be assured, there are plenty out there who will.

When all is provided, you are at the mercy of the providers. They do not care about your best interests. In their eyes, everyone is expendable.

Those who do not stand will be carried about. Do not expect the destination to be to your liking. The only means of escape is to rise up and walk.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Song of Peace

A song about finding peace in the midst of troubles (from Mystic Trails).

The Song of Peace

When you are vexed by quaking fear,
be at peace, be at peace.

If dangers far are now so near,
be at peace, be at peace.

For now the heart and mind must rest,
be at peace, be at peace.

Be calm and know that you are blessed,
be at peace, be at peace.

Tomorrow will bring what it may,
be at peace, be at peace.

Troubles for another day,
be at peace, be at peace.

Until the woes of life do cease,
be at peace, be at peace.

In solace, you will find release,
be at peace, be at peace.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rain or shine

We get pleasure from the simplest of things. It does not need to be grandiose to gain one's interest. That which is tends to be excessively inflated.

Human beings like comfort and convenience. Neither is a problem so long as others are not sacrificed. When they are, joy turns to sorrow.

There are those who would stifle another's enjoyment. Often, these desires are born of envy. Sometimes, they come from pure meanness.

Spreading misery does nothing to diminish your own. And if it would, you have a serious problem. There is no excuse for bringing others down.

This world has woes aplenty. Adding to the pile is not asked for, nor is it wanted. If you wish to be miserable, be considerate and keep it to yourself.

Do not be the dark cloud raining on everyone's parade. Be the ray of sunshine that warms the heart. Then, people will anxiously wait for your arrival. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Begin again

Our lives are filled with unhappy endings. If we just left it there, the tale would be miserable indeed. But an end just means it is time to begin again..

As long as the fight is still in you, then you are still in the fight. Only when you give up will it truly be over. Losing is not an excuse for giving in.

When we are weary, the hardest thing is to go on. It can be an ordeal just putting one foot in front of the other. Those who do cannot be stopped.

The ones who support you will do so as long as you support yourself. One can only carry another so far. Eventually, they must stand on their own.

Think of all those who have helped you. Do not let their efforts be in vain. Reward them for their investment of time and sheer determination.

Pain reminds us of just how dangerous the world is. Its only real purpose is to be overcome. Refuse to let it define the way your life is to be lived.