Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Minor inconveniences

Often, the problems we face are just minor inconveniences. The earth is not shattered, nor the sky rent. Slight difficulties get blown out of proportion.

If we let things get to us, they will. When not maintained, one's calm is readily lost. It is paramount that we put all of our efforts into finding it again.

Count to ten, or backwards from a hundred. Do whatever it takes to contain your aggravation. Otherwise, a ripple can grow into a tidal wave.

Such matters are not worth the energy expended. Those who give in only succeed in making a mess. Their expectations are for others to clean it up.

Rage does not easily go back from whence it spewed. Cool down in order to prevent a meltdown. Unchecked anger will tend to put others in danger.

It is important to be able to relax. Be mindful of the least, but focus on what matters most. More mistakes are made when we forget our priorities.


  1. It's easy to lose our cool when dealing with worldly nuisances, we must "gird up our loins" and deal with the situation in a collected manor.

    1. People tend to have a low threshold for annoyance. They do not want to deal with it, and end up making matters worse. Anger is not the most productive of emotions.

  2. Well... true. I mean... there is something to be said when it comes to getting used to a particular measure of normality. The second we fall off that train, we freak out. But see here, I'm not so sure why we get so comfortable at all. Why so obsessed with the status quo? I'm more aggravated with the lack of advancement then the intermittent fall-back. I understand perfectly that most people spend their entire lives living it as steady as they can. That may be good for you, but leave me out of it. I'd rather try my luck as Daffy Duck then to make my way through life as Sleepy Gonzales.

    1. If we focus on what matters most, we will not be complacent. All of our efforts will be channeled in a positive direction. Chaos should never determine one's course.
