Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The written word

Reading is an exercise of the mind. Mental faculties become weak through disuse. They are strengthened through the power of the written word.

We can learn a great deal from nonfiction. However, it is fiction that tends to inspire. The enjoyment of a story far outweighs the accumulation of facts.

It is not enough to just read a book. For the full experience, digestion is required. Similar to how our bodies break down food, our minds process ideas.

Those who read are apt to have better comprehension. A big part of writing is communicating concepts. What is written must be clearly conveyed.

Some mediums provide you with images. With books, you are required to form your own mental picture. It does not need to match that of the author.

One can read about many different things. Regardless, there is an interest to be explored. Instead of limiting yourself, seek to broaden your horizons.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leaders and followers

Those who cannot set their own path must be led. Be careful who you choose to follow. In order to lead, they should have an idea where to go.

It takes vision to be a good leader. You need to be able to see what others cannot. Otherwise, you and your followers will both wind up in a ditch.

The preference is to make your own decisions. An inability to do so leaves you in a vulnerable state. And there are many who will exploit that.

Following seems to be the easier way. Someone else will bear the responsibility. Yet, when things go bad, you will still suffer along with them.

People love to play the blame game. They refuse to decide, but complain when a decision is made. If left in their hands, nothing would get done.

The ones who are not decisive should be supportive. Then, the team will be able to progress. Do not pick a leader, only to nitpick all they do.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Earned approbation

It is best to beware of those who heap praise upon you. Friends say good things begrudgingly. Be sure that flattery does not come without a price.

There are those whose tongues drip with compliments. Watch your back and your bank account. Listen at your own risk, and follow at your peril.

Not every kind word is meant to ensnare. Some people genuinely mean what they say. Usually, they will make a statement and let it stand on its own.

Criticism comes easier than commendation. It is far simpler to point out one's faults than their merits. Also, arrogance will be naturally discouraged.

Some feel that extolling the virtues of one diminishes themselves. So, they hold such things within. No one is better for not giving what is deserved.

Those who do well have earned their approbation. Be suspicious when receiving what was not sought. Someone is expecting to benefit thereby.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Giving and getting

What you do tends to come back to you. Those who care for others are more likely to be cared for. Yet, the indifferent expect to be treated differently.

Hurting people fills them with the desire to repay in kind. Helping them can inspire similar feelings. What we get is in direct proportion to what we give.

The vengeful yearn to see their tormentors grimace. But that is not how these things usually work. Live well, and leave them to whatever may come.

It is possible to vex someone with kindness. Still, there are those who cannot be moved. Let them remain in place, just like the stones which they are.

We are happiest when such are left behind. To dwell on their deeds is attention they do not deserve. When ignored, they languish in their irrelevance.

May they be starved of the thing they so desperately crave. The world will go on when they are gone. It might even be a better place without them in it.