Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Burden of convenience

From day to day we are constantly vexed by minor annoyances. Some things break, while others wear out. Still if we let it get to us, then it will.

There are inventions which make our lives easier. We become accustomed to having them available. So, when they are gone we become frustrated.

They are not necessary for our existence, merely our convenience. It is not wrong to have these things. However, we should not depend on them.

Too many straws and the back will collapse. Minor matters can only grow into major ones if we allow it. Do not let comfort be turned into a burden.

What you have should never have you. Let go of anything that tends to test your patience. No advantage is worth the irritation experienced.

People are hard enough to deal with. Our possessions can easily turn into encumbrances. The time comes when their loss ends up being a great relief.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Unexpected meaning

Pastimes can have unexpected meaning. They might start as something done to while away the day. Yet later, they could have real sentimental value.

It is the little things we do that are often underestimated. We do not know their importance at first glance. Their enjoyment is an unsung pleasure.

Larger matters tend to take care of themselves. A simple decision can be worth more than any other. A single utterance can do a great deal of damage. 

Quality need not come in great quantity. A moment spent caring is better than a lifetime wasted. What you have to show will mean so much more.

Though years may pass, the memory will stay. It could become a precious reminder of time gone by. When you least suspect, is when it comes to mind.

Do not get lost in the chaos of life. Stand firm while everything is spinning around you. The burdens of existence cannot be allowed to cover the blessings.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Interest to inspiration

Our experiences of real enthusiasm are few and far between. So, it must be nurtured whenever we see it. For such interest can give birth to inspiration.

Often, we do things for the sake of another. When someone is genuinely enthused, they yearn to share. Do not be the one raining on their parade.

As infectious as these things are, do not be surprised to be caught up in them. Their nature is to spread. Enjoyment is found when we least expect.

It is not hard to be swept up in someone's vision. You can go along for the ride. Yet, it is better to be the one who makes the journey more fulfilling.

With those who cannot be moved, one must question their humanity. To be alive is to be able to feel. We should not emulate the things which cannot.

When we share the excitement of others, then it can grow. The interest takes on a life of its own. Who knows what fruit will come from such fertile soil?

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Job well done

Each of us has things we are good at. It is shameful when we let our talents go to waste. That which we do not use will inevitably fall apart from disuse.

Practice is what turns an idea into a genuine interest. We do what we love even when no one is watching. Without a bit of praise, we will proceed.

No one starts out as an expert. It takes time to learn the best way to do things. Those who are quick to criticize are slow to put forth an effort themselves.

Art is not born of knowledge but of heart. It is does not matter how others have done it. We all have our own style and it will be reflected in the work.

Those who excel learn the techniques. They show respect for what others have accomplished. Then, they set out to do something which is their own.

It is the enthusiasm which gives you energy to continue. The difficulties should never rob you of the joy. Let the exhaustion come from a job well done.