Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Burden of convenience

From day to day we are constantly vexed by minor annoyances. Some things break, while others wear out. Still if we let it get to us, then it will.

There are inventions which make our lives easier. We become accustomed to having them available. So, when they are gone we become frustrated.

They are not necessary for our existence, merely our convenience. It is not wrong to have these things. However, we should not depend on them.

Too many straws and the back will collapse. Minor matters can only grow into major ones if we allow it. Do not let comfort be turned into a burden.

What you have should never have you. Let go of anything that tends to test your patience. No advantage is worth the irritation experienced.

People are hard enough to deal with. Our possessions can easily turn into encumbrances. The time comes when their loss ends up being a great relief.


  1. Okay, Captain Obvious. Let me give you some advice. You are a writer. You only have a few resources on the internet that allow you to promote your writings. Making your own website is expensive. I know. I have one. I don't expect anyone to have their own domain if they can't manage such a heavy cost. Nevertheless, it is up to you to promote your stuff as efficiently as you can. This means spamming the internet with stuff about writing or your books as often as you can.

    And copypasta of your bald head 100 times a month on Facebook is NOT promotion. People don't wanna see your visage. They want to see if there is a book worth reading in your library.

    This blog is absolutely pointless. It just regurgitates stuff we already know but don't usually actively think about. It's like a Jerry Seinfeld routine delivered by Ben Stein while he's asleep. Seriously, reconsider your options here before you face away into obscurity.

    2nd option: You can stick to your own ego because I hurt your feelings and just keep doing things the same broken way because YOU HAVE YOUR DIGNITY!

    1. The key is to be able to communicate. Experience is the best teacher, and shared experience is a good way to learn. Since these problems still exist, repetition is needful.

  2. We live in an age of information and many conveniences, they are there to aid us but one can indeed become dependent on them. We are born with all we need, it's our responsibility to look within and find out who we are so that we may grow in spirit.

    1. It is not good to become dependent on anything. For it can always be taken away. The fewer strings they have to pull, the better.
