Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Satisfied inside

Some people are never happy. It is either too hot or too cold; too wet or too dry; too much or too little. Happiness does not come from the outside.

Those who complain tend to make a habit of it. So, the ones around them eventually tune them out. If you whine constantly, others will cease to listen.

Ideal circumstances do not a joyful heart make. It is possible to rejoice in the worst of times. When you have reached bottom, the only way to go is up.

To want is to go on wanting. Be wary not to be found that way. What we need is already in our hands, and we possess the ability to do so much better.

Changing the world is beyond our power. No matter how much we push, it will push back. The flow of reality will inevitably force us downstream.

Who we are is not for them to decide. Satisfaction is not determined by the way we feel. Having only the basic needs met, one can still be satisfied. 


  1. Those who are spiritually starved become anxious and are never satisfied. Happiness can be found when we use our talents, those who do not posses this drive are deficient.

    1. People look for satisfaction on the outside. We cannot determine what happens out there. Real happiness can only be found within.

  2. I'm gonna be picky on your wording here. Happiness most certainly comes from the outside and is ultimately pointless. Joy is the product of a devoutly and sincerely lived life that is not starved of true spiritual virtues. It cannot be sought. It just happens as a matter of course.

    1. It is the letter that kills, but the spirit makes alive. The point is that the outside cannot give it, nor can they can take it away. Joy resides in the heart.
