Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dealing with anything

It is best not to get our hopes up. Prepare for the worst and you shall not be disappointed. Whenever things work out it will be a pleasant surprise.

We should not dwell on the negative. There is nothing wrong with hoping for the best. Understand what we receive is so rarely what was desired.

If we are honest, we can deal with anything. Nothing good comes from deceiving yourself. The bad times become worse when you are not ready.

Those with great aspirations should brace themselves for a bumpy ride. Happy endings are not easy to come by. Expect to earn whatever you get.

There is satisfaction in overcoming adversities. We learn what our limitations are and push past them. Put forth the effort if you would see the reward. 

Hope is the planting of the seed. Much can happen to hinder its growth. Be prepared to face these obstacles, and then you can reap the harvest. 


  1. The presupposed character I am hearing about in this blog--let's call him Mr. Wrong--seems to run through life flailing his arms about like Kermit the Frog but with the addition of a hopeful smile on his face. "It'll all be better soon!" he shouts as he runs into several street poles. Poor guy.

    Now let's take a hard look at Mr. Right. See how he stops at the edge of the street. There are no cars coming his way, yet, for some reason, he won't cross. "I'd like to think that it's safe to cross, but I don't want to take the chance of being hit by a car I cannot see. I'll just wait then." He's still there to this day, Don.

    And where is Mr. Wrong? Lost track of him. Although suffering a mighty number of injuries from hitting all those poles, he still ended up at a destination. It may not have been where he intended to go, but it sure beats standing at the edge of a street and never moving forward ever again.

    The more you know.

    1. Those who deceive themselves end up one with the pavement. Action is required to overcome adversities. Move forward, but be ready for whatever comes.

  2. I tend to respectfully disagree with your very first line, not getting our hopes up leads to a defeatist attitude and causes us to set the bar low. We should strive for better and realize our potential, we should dream big and never accept less. Sure it sounds like delusional "happy thoughts" on the surface but when we take away the physical barriers of the world and only deal in the spirit we have no limits. There are no obstacles other than those we impose upon ourselves. I understand what you meant by the line, the world is a harsh unfair place, however it is best not to plug ourselves into this system by measuring on the worlds terms. The beast system is what it is, it was setup to keep us in the machine distracted from our true purpose. The impossible can be done, Jesus is The Way never did he set the bar low in the face of the obstacles of the world. Our bodies can be broken, we can be staved and tortured, but never can they take our hopes and our aspirations less we give them away. We have it within us to "deal with anything", The Way is not to play by their rules, don't become a realist it only ensure we fall short in spirit.

    1. People expect their hopes and dreams to carry the day. We should strive for better because we care. And then, we can face whatever comes.
