Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Choosing well

As adults, we are responsible for the choices we make. Bad decisions can lead to dire consequences. Yet if we choose well, the rewards could be great.

Deciding based on the outcome is a sure way to go down the wrong path. It will be hard to even find the way back. Do what is best, and all else follows.

We all make mistakes, but some make a habit of it. When it becomes a mess, clean it up. Then, take all steps needed to ensure it does not happen again.

Good decisions will not often be made with ease. Troubles may arise, along with doubts. That which is best does not always make one feel very good.

The results have a voice of their own. The longer the run, the more things come into focus. It is easier to deceive oneself for a season than a full cycle.

We cannot choose whether we will live or die. Our choices do influence what happens while we are here. Those who would do well should choose well.


  1. We often have to make hard choices, we must listen to our heart and follow The Way. Hesitation can be worse than a poor decision.

    1. The key is to take responsibility for the decisions you make. We do not know everything, so there are going to be mistakes. Learn from the ones you make and you will be less likely to repeat them.

  2. Who is this blog for? People born yesterday? Dear lord.

    1. There are plenty of bad choices being made every day. So, the point being made here bears repeating. Choosing badly means ending worse.
