Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Comedy relief

No matter how bad it gets, we look for things to make us smile. Comedy provides needed relief. It gives the energy which helps us to keep going.

Laughter is medicine, and sometimes the cure. We realize that our difficulties are not insurmountable. It is indeed best not to take oneself too seriously.

Mockery does not show a sense of humor. It is a snide individual asserting themselves. Putting others down does not elevate anyone in the slightest.

Good humor tends to point fingers inward. We share our experiences for the sake of amusement. The laughter will often be of the sympathetic kind.

It is also amusing to watch people act silly. Yet, if they are mentally imbalanced we react differently. One is therapeutic, while the other is distressing.

We are drawn to those who induce laughter. Years may pass, but our enjoyment remains. There is a special place for the ones who keep us amused.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sink or swim

Life is not really good, nor is it bad. Miserable things happen along with wonderful ones. It is up to us to make sure neither of them goes to waste.

No matter how much you win, sometimes you will lose. How we deal with loss says a great deal. If we let it get us down, then all is truly lost.

The rain falls on both the good and bad alike. Often, it pours down upon us like a flood. We must decide whether we will sink or we will swim.

For fear of death, so many fail to live. What does it matter that all things are fated to end? There is a lot of good that can be done while we are here.

There are things that will last even when we are gone. So long as we invest ourselves in such, all will be well. This is the light they cannot put out.

It is in us to fall or to lay down and rest. What matters is that which induced our fatigue. The ones who sit on the sidelines will not win the race.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Meeting the challenge

We all do things we would rather not. If we only did what we desired, very little would be accomplished. So much would go to waste.

Life is not an easy road. That is why so many perish in the struggle for survival. It takes a great deal of intestinal fortitude to meet the challenge.

What must be done should be our chief concern. The focus of a child is on what they want. We have grown beyond to a world of responsibilities.

Invoking one's feelings is a sign of weakness. It shows that you cannot handle your own affairs. Be assured, there are plenty out there who will.

When all is provided, you are at the mercy of the providers. They do not care about your best interests. In their eyes, everyone is expendable.

Those who do not stand will be carried about. Do not expect the destination to be to your liking. The only means of escape is to rise up and walk.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Song of Peace

A song about finding peace in the midst of troubles (from Mystic Trails).

The Song of Peace

When you are vexed by quaking fear,
be at peace, be at peace.

If dangers far are now so near,
be at peace, be at peace.

For now the heart and mind must rest,
be at peace, be at peace.

Be calm and know that you are blessed,
be at peace, be at peace.

Tomorrow will bring what it may,
be at peace, be at peace.

Troubles for another day,
be at peace, be at peace.

Until the woes of life do cease,
be at peace, be at peace.

In solace, you will find release,
be at peace, be at peace.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rain or shine

We get pleasure from the simplest of things. It does not need to be grandiose to gain one's interest. That which is tends to be excessively inflated.

Human beings like comfort and convenience. Neither is a problem so long as others are not sacrificed. When they are, joy turns to sorrow.

There are those who would stifle another's enjoyment. Often, these desires are born of envy. Sometimes, they come from pure meanness.

Spreading misery does nothing to diminish your own. And if it would, you have a serious problem. There is no excuse for bringing others down.

This world has woes aplenty. Adding to the pile is not asked for, nor is it wanted. If you wish to be miserable, be considerate and keep it to yourself.

Do not be the dark cloud raining on everyone's parade. Be the ray of sunshine that warms the heart. Then, people will anxiously wait for your arrival. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Begin again

Our lives are filled with unhappy endings. If we just left it there, the tale would be miserable indeed. But an end just means it is time to begin again..

As long as the fight is still in you, then you are still in the fight. Only when you give up will it truly be over. Losing is not an excuse for giving in.

When we are weary, the hardest thing is to go on. It can be an ordeal just putting one foot in front of the other. Those who do cannot be stopped.

The ones who support you will do so as long as you support yourself. One can only carry another so far. Eventually, they must stand on their own.

Think of all those who have helped you. Do not let their efforts be in vain. Reward them for their investment of time and sheer determination.

Pain reminds us of just how dangerous the world is. Its only real purpose is to be overcome. Refuse to let it define the way your life is to be lived.