Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Setting things right

What do you do when everything goes wrong? It would be easy to curl up in a fetal position. However, an adult sets out to set things right.

Life snatches up our plans and tosses them out the window. Things rarely turn out the way we intend. Still, that does not mean we should give up.

Sometimes, what is necessary is to be where you are needed. It can make a world of difference. Often, all that is required is a helping hand.

Do not lose sight of what is important, or more specifically who. When we are busy, we can be neglectful. Take the time to show you care.

People need support to carry on. The power of a kind word is wondrous to behold. Even the hardest of hearts can be melted with such warmth.

Life is too short not to use the time we have. A minute wasted, can lead to a lifetime of regret. So cherish every second that you are still here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Growing beyond

Opinions are worthless without demonstration. The air between one's ears cannot be taken seriously. Often, such things are just the mind wandering.

Wanting to be right does not mean you are. There are many things that our hearts desire. That which we want is not always something we can obtain.

Truth has a tendency to prove itself. However, this does not mean the argument will stop. Where emotions are concerned, the debate will rage on.

Adults grow beyond knowing everything. The longer we are here, the less sure we are. For experience has taught us how little we truly know.

History shows us what should and should not be done. Learn from it and you can prosper. Those who do not heed its lessons will repeat its mistakes.

Life is one big obstacle course. Many before us have attempted to complete it. Our success will largely be determined by how well we can adapt.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Dealing with problems

It is easier to place blame than to solve anything. To make progress, one must take responsibility. Your decisions will affect how things turn out.

We all have our own problems. So, bemoaning yours is not the way to gain sympathy. How you deal with them determines how you will be viewed.

Those who belittle others do nothing to ease their burdens. They prefer to pile on the misery. Then, they ridicule you for collapsing under the weight.

Criticizing is not helping. There are some who delight in picking apart what others have done. They would be shocked to receive as they have given.

The ones who can will do, while the rest just complain. Life never has nor ever will be fair. That is why a person can earn beyond what they have.

Focus your energies on what you are doing. Let the world embroil itself in petty squabbles. Beware, for the day will come when it inevitably boils over.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Getting results

Certain things we do give a sense of accomplishment. Usually, they require a great deal of effort. However, the results just speak for themselves.

It is the difficult things that test our abilities. This keeps our edge from growing dull. That which may be the toughest can also be the most fulfilling.

Weakness should only inspire a lack of such. By encouraging it, we ensure that it will continue. The real strength of a chain resides in its weakest link.

Those who make excuses produce very little else. They waste a great deal of time complaining. Yet, when it comes to doing, they are found wanting.

The successful focus on what they can do. Worrying only makes matters seem worse. The surest way to increase one's stress is through undue concern.

Save the praise for the ones who deserve it. To be worthy, you must get results. Being loud gets you noticed; being effective means they will find you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Illusion of grandeur

The world does not give without expecting something in return. To be prominent is to be a target. For all the attention, you must fulfill their wishes.

To gain the finer things in life carries quite a hefty price tag. The means of payment is in obedience. And be assured that it can all be taken away.

Those who would succeed should do so quietly. Take care not to wake the sleeping dragon. For with its stirring there will come the desire to feed.

Knowing more makes you a threat. Only one's value can temporarily protect them. When your use is at an end, it will be known where you stand.

Power is merely the illusion of grandeur. Such a thing is not given, rather it is delegated. Seeking it makes you but a servant and not the master.

Leave the doomed to struggle for the scraps. Do not get caught up in the futility. Live for but a single purpose: solely in order to make things better.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Best effort

Success is oft beyond our reach. Even with all of our best efforts, we cannot seem to grab hold of it. Yet, giving up should not even be an option.

A lifetime might not be long enough to see one's dreams come true. We need only do what we can. Whatever else is entirely out of our hands.

Keep pressing forward, and you will see progress. It may not all come up roses, but a few buds will bloom. And that makes it all worth the while.

When all has been given, no more can reasonably be expected. Then, it is time to rest. Do not worry about that which you can do nothing about.

Those who hold back will bear the shame. Who is to say whether just a bit more effort would have been sufficient? They will never really know.

Continue to try until your last day has come and gone. Then, there will be nothing to find fault with.  Any further complaints will fall on deaf ears.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

To be free

So many things in life do not last. It makes no sense to focus one's efforts on that which will perish. One day, you just might wake up to find it all gone.

In this world, everything has a shelf life. Even our attention is here today and elsewhere tomorrow. A lot of time is spent replacing what we used to love.

Protect that which you cherish. Do not let anyone take it away, especially if the offending party is you. Remember what drew your interest originally.

Feelings are transitory by nature. What you like must reach deeper to have a chance at survival. If you can do without it, then you probably should.

When the expiration date is finally reached, let it go. Walk away and do not look back. Regret is far too grievous a burden for anyone to attempt to carry.

To be free, we must unshackle ourselves from our desires. These are the strings by which they make us dance. What a blessing it is when they are cut.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Gaining and maintaining

Patience is a virtue sorely lacking in this day and age. Haste will make waste of the best of intentions. It is the difference between careful and careless.

Those who rush through life tend to miss the good parts. A moment lost is a cause for regret. For in that brief space, much good could have been done.

It is not in the quantity but in the quality where time finds its value. Days might pass by uneventfully. However, everything can change in an instant.

The ones who have it all, are not appreciative. So, it is not at all surprising that so much is withheld. Thus, we learn to be grateful for what we have.

To wait is a blessing not a burden. Give what was planted the chance to take root. Only then, will it grow into a hardy plant that will bear much fruit.

Do not get too far ahead of yourself. Otherwise, you might wind up in over your head. It is not what we gain, but rather what we are able to maintain.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Being responsible

Of the things that people take, responsibility is rarely in that list. We blame others for our problems. It is far easier to do that than to deal with them.

Fingers point outward, while the inward festers. Deflecting the attention away only changes the perspective. So, the issue remains unresolved.

By focusing on the faults of others, we fail to see our own shortcomings. However, they do not go away. When next we look, they will be worse.

Until your act is together, you should not critique anyone. Otherwise, you are inviting unwanted attention. Expect the reviews will not be kind.

Do not take down the house when only the roof needs fixing. The problems we face are not usually catastrophic. With effort, they can be overcome.

Honesty sees the weaknesses and does something about them. Leave not an opening for the enemy to exploit. Then, their attacks will just bounce off.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Wanting and deserving

There are things that we do which we would rather not. We do them simply because we must. Part of being an adult is taking care of one's responsibilities.

It takes time and effort to earn a better life. Patience is required to make dreams a reality. Learn the difference between wanting and deserving something.

No one else is to blame for your state of affairs. How things turn out is determined by the choices we make. Complaints will only increase one's frustration.

The higher you climb, the harder it will be. Expect the jealous to attempt to knock you from your perch. Your great fall will be a cause for celebration.

Those who play for sympathy do not take the game seriously. The squeaky wheel is most likely to be replaced. When it is gone, then there will be peace.

Life is always taking things. To survive, we need to make more than it takes away. The world does not belong to us, but it can be used to good effect.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Making or breaking

When you have something to work with, it is time to get started. Do not let that one chance slip away. You do not know when you will have another.

The doubters are silenced if you prove what you say. Facts have a tendency to dismiss opinion. It is so much easier to criticize than it is to achieve.

A statement bears weight when there is action behind it. Words do not make anything true or false. They can only be used for confirming or denying.

No one likes to be scrutinized. It is discomforting to know that you are being observed. Those who wish to be safe should stay away from the field.

Can you live up to the expectations? If not, then your influence will diminish rapidly. Whether it is right or wrong, someone will always be watching.

What we have to offer is the quality of our performance. It can either make us or leave us broken. So, go out there and show them just what you can do.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Slightest chance

Opportunities come in various sizes. The bigger ones are harder to come by. Yet, the slightest of chances might just be all that is really required.

In this world, you work with what you have. Wait for your dreams to come true and you will keep waiting. Who needs a leap when a step will do?

Do not expect everything to fall into place. Every move you make is another piece of the puzzle. The picture is incomplete until it is fully assembled.

It is easy to be frustrated when things do not go your way. To get it right, you would need to know how it should be. We rarely have that information.

We are working without a net. Adding to the challenge, we are wearing a blindfold. If we fall, it will take an army to put us back together once more.

The closer to the ground we are, the easier it will be to survive. Only when one is ready, should they ascend. That is when the difficulty truly begins. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Holding tight

Holding too tightly to anything can leave you with a handful of shards. It is important to know when to let go. While not pleasant, it could be necessary.

The desire of man is a dangerous thing. There are those willing to kill in order to fulfill theirs. How can we want something obtained at so high a price?

When a wish becomes an obsession, it is time to reconsider. Will you still be able to look yourself in the mirror? Or will you shy away from what you see?

Sacrificing others does not make you a winner. Refusing to do so does not leave you at a loss. No matter what, we should earn whatever we receive.

Those who take, end up with nothing in the end. This is because possessions do not satisfy. It is not profitable to wind up with a pile of worthless junk.

Release what you love, so that it can breathe. What does it matter if it slips through your fingers? With the loss of but a single seed, growth can begin.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Losing your way

What happens when you cannot go further on a certain path? Then, it is necessary to backtrack. Often, our lives can seem like a series of detours.

Though a straight line is the shortest distance, it may not be feasible. No end can justify a foolish means. Usually, it is better to simply go around.

Starting all over may not be required. Sometimes, merely stepping to the side is sufficient. Then, you can keep moving forward towards your destination.

If you feel like banging your head against a wall, stop and think. Your skull will crack long before it will. Instead, use your brains to find a real solution.

It is easy to be discouraged when you lose your way. Remember it is not gone, only misplaced. Once it is found, then you can proceed with confidence.

Do not let the chaos around get within. What is vitally important is to remain calm. An agitated spirit tends to spend a lot of time just bumping into trees.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Picking up pieces

When the world falls apart around you, it can take time to pick up all the pieces. One finds they must go on. It becomes hard determining the means.

If your legs are broken, you cannot just get back up. Rest is required along with rehabilitation. Healing does not follow a convenient schedule.

The day will come, but it cannot be rushed. Use the opportunity to prepare yourself. Then, you will be able to return to action without further delay.

This process can have many twists and turns. Its toll can be felt without and within. Do not let it sap the strength that you need in order to succeed.

Keep your eyes focused on the prize. Whenever a challenge is presented, rise up to meet it. Patience and perseverance make good things transpire.

Morale is a fragile thing, so be careful with it. Once lost, it is not easily regained. What a difference it makes when the heart is that which drives us on.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tempest tossed

When one bad thing happens, others tend to follow. Before we can breathe, the storm may be upon us. Then, it comes down to a fight for survival.

Thunder cracks, and we are stirred to action. Lightning flashes, a reminder of the danger. With our wits about us, we are able to face what we must.

If we refuse to acknowledge our peril, we will not be ready when it arrives. Realize the situation you are in. Then, take the necessary steps to fix it.

Shelter yourself from the raging winds. While things are being tossed about is not the time to move. Instead, be patient and wait for an opportunity.

As the floodwaters rise, get to higher ground. Perseverance may pay, but so does discretion. Living to tell the tale requires foremost that one survives.

The rain may fall on our parade. Use it to water the seeds you have planted. Though the tempest tosses here and there, where we land is up to us.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Outlook and outcome

In the world we live in, it is easy to get discouraged. That which can be done with ease should be avoided. It takes a lot of effort to produce results.

If we wish to progress, we cannot remain stationary. Steps must be taken in a positive direction. Some difficult decisions might need to be made.

The landscape changes, so we must adjust. A change of one's outlook can decide their outcome. If you cannot go through, then find another way.

Fatigue just means you need to rest. Take the time to recharge your batteries and regain your bearings. Use these precious moments to prepare.

Stubbornness and determination are not the same. Those who are stubborn refuse to adapt. The determined know there is more than one path to take.

What we get is in response to what we give. The more you put in, the better the return. Do not let the difficulty dissuade you from proceeding onward.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Desire that inspires

When you are dying of thirst in the desert, then an oasis will appear. Illusions may seem like the real thing. But they leave you with a mouth full of sand.

We deceive ourselves when we cannot get past what we want. The image created can be almost tangible. Reach for it, and you will learn the truth.

Dreams serve best as inspiration. It is the action we take that gives them relevance. Our desire can inspire us to make what is unlikely into a reality.

Such things do not just happen, they are caused. The idea must come out of the mind and into the hands. Or else it will only exist between the ears.

True passion comes from the heart. But it is not content to remain within. Through various and sundry mediums, we send it forth into the world.

Vision is a good place to start. But for realization, you must have construction. That means not waiting for things to happen, but making them so.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Head above water

Onto our lives some rain must fall. What happens when the storm passes says a lot about a person. Will you drown or keep your head above water?

Not all problems are catastrophic ones. Usually, we can handle what comes our way. But life has a way of draining the energy that keeps you going.

Do not discount the slightest bit of progress. Often, a little motivation is all you really need. It is enough to know that your efforts are not in vain.

Those who lose the will tend to waste away. Regret floods in to fill the void. There it will stay to serve as a reminder of all that could have been.

Feed the spirit that which brings you joy. Renew your strength by pushing back against the gloom. Remind yourself how wonderful it is to be alive.

The thunder might crash and the skies could pour. We have seen the lightning flash before. No matter how dark the night, there soon comes the dawn. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Those who make

Difficult situations require ingenuity. What is normally done is not likely to be effective. Though the resources may be limited, the imagination is not.

Creatures in nature must adapt to survive. However, we can make our environment suit us. We do not just provide for our needs, but also for our wants.

Limitations exist merely to be overcome. Humans are constantly proving the value of inventiveness. All of our lives have benefited as a direct result.

No matter what happens, there is something we can do. The long climb back up can teach us much. But only if we are willing to see it all through.

Having less simply means you must use what you have. Accomplishments build upon themselves. Pretty soon, up from the bottom you will rise.

That which you possess can be taken away. What we are is not so transitory. Those who only take will never understand what joy it is to make.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Time to rest

When you have done all you can, it is time to rest. Fixating on matters merely leads to exhaustion. You will need your wits about you to succeed.

One cannot expect to run on an empty tank. Mind, body and spirit all require refreshment. Fatigue means a lack of energy when it is needed most.

Imagination must be fed like anything else. What starts out as an idea, becomes a passion. Very often, these things will take on a life of their own.

The world has a way of wearing us down. Pure enjoyment can be quite invigorating. We can set aside all our burdens for a precious few moments.

While we are resting, the subconscious is at work. Slowly it is putting the pieces together. It is laziness when nothing is done with the results.

Once the energy returns, we are ready to go on. All that was needed was a chance to catch our breath. Now, we will see how much more we can do.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

All that sparkles

How do you know if an opportunity is a good one? Something may sparkle merely because it catches the light. That does not make it a precious gem.

Be wary of the offers you receive. Those who promise much deliver little. Know what you are getting into before signing your name on the dotted line.

It takes wisdom to discern fair from foul. Look beyond your desires to see what is true. The only advantage they can take is what you give them.

Evil preys on desperation. It often waits until your need is the greatest. Then will its silvery tongue speak the words that you would most like to hear.

People are persuaded into what is not in their best interest. Ask yourself what good will come of this course of action? If none, then it is best to abstain.

The decisions of life are difficult ones. Rarely is it easy to determine the right course. However, with clear sight one can readily avoid a precipitous fall.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Changing direction

It is not easy to change one's direction, but often it is necessary. The road you travel could reach a dead end. An alternate route can be a lifesaver.

Yet, it is not so simple to just do something else. Our choices are limited by our experience. To blaze a new trail means stepping out into the unknown.

No one wants to backtrack, but it might be the only way. Determine how you got here and how to get out. Retrace your steps to find the way forward.

Do not leave your fate in the hands of another. Otherwise, you will become a pawn in their game. And the results of that can be disastrous indeed.

The landscape we face is always changing. Do not be confused by the ebb and flow. Observe the pattern and then plan your moves accordingly.

When you are backed into a corner, it is time to fight. Obstacles exist just to be overcome. Look forward to seeing them in the distance behind you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hear the Song

A poem about inspiration.

Hear the Song

Through the fields wet with morning dew,
hear the song calling out to you.
Up from the ground and into the sky,
feel all the moments passing by.

Time for the journey to begin,
a burning desire deep within.
Merely to have a slight reprieve,
monotonous days we now will leave.

Just one step and more to follow;
over the hills and through the hollow.
Listening to the babbling brook,
peering into each cranny and nook.

Follow the notes, where they may lead;
to places remote, tangled with weeds.
The melody light pulls you along.
Against it to fight would be all wrong.

It is your guide, and even your muse.
Feelings so right, cannot be refused.
So you forge on, knowing not where.
Here you belong, searching for there.

That which obstructs, now overcome.
We have been taught, not to succumb.
Finding our ears, the music does swell.
Soothing our fears, ringing like bells.

What we have sought, precious the gift;
cannot be bought, burdens to lift.
Why do we follow, what could have drawn us?
A tale for the morrow may be upon us.

It is but a spark, flames to ignite;
lighting the dark, claiming the night.
A simple refrain, is all we require.
With a single grain, we are inspired.

Tethering ourselves

What are you passionate about? The wicked see such things as a means of entrapment. Be wary, lest your energies be turned to unsavory purposes.

Evil loves to prey on what others hold dear. The stronger the emotion, the easier it is to manipulate. It is sad that love can so swiftly be turned to hate.

Those who care expect nothing in return. Expectation will invalidate the best of intentions. Starting on that path leads only to a downward spiral.

Passion is the fuel by which we kindle a fire. It can lead to the accomplishment of great things. The outside is determined by what happens within.

The ones who wish to have will find themselves bound. That which we desire is the leash to pull us along. These chains have truly been made by us.

To be free we must release all our captives. Otherwise, the ties that bind will hold us fast. In restraining others, we also tether ourselves.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

What we hold

Many things would be nice to have. However, it cannot be said they are needed. Such should not be considered until we take care of the necessities.

Life does not owe us anything. That which has not been earned is not deserved. We have been given much, but can it be said that we appreciate it?

Adults must learn to live within their means. Otherwise, one's standard of living will diminish. What we desire does not validate a mean existence.

What we hold has a hold on us. It is shameful when the desire for things dominates a person. It shows that our priorities are not in the right place.

Are you more apt to fight for what you want than who you care for? It is easy to lose interest in things. Then, they are tossed by the wayside.

People should not be treated the same. What we think does not affect who they are. We must set aside our feelings and let others prove themselves.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Life without chains

Independence is not a license to do what you want. Instead, it means you can take care of yourself. You cannot have freedom without responsibility.

Government is for those who cannot govern themselves. It is what keeps evil people in check. The ones who are good have no use for such things.

Society works because of individuals. There are those who fought, bled and died for others to be free. It is up to us to make sure we will stay that way.

Remember the fallen and what they stood for. They lost everything so that we could gain so much. If it is not appreciated, will it have been for naught?

So many choose to die when they fought to live. Do not squander what was bought with so high a price. Or else we will be proven to be undeserving.

We have been given a life without chains. If we do what we please, may it please us to do what is best. For only those that care can ever truly be free.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Odd one out

To endure, one must be patient as the waves beating against the shore. Though it may be slow, the progress is sure. The ground itself can be moved.

Walls stand until they are toppled. Then, they become merely a pile of rubble. That which obstructed has been reduced to but a minor hindrance at best.

We must wait to see the fruits of our labors. After each seed has been planted, it must be nurtured. Only then does it produce that which is desired.

Put your heart to the task if you would see results. The lifeless is destined only for decay. Make sure what you want will be worth the effort required.

When pushed by the world, we should push back. Let our actions prove their ineffectiveness. They will tire long before the breaking of our resolve.

Those who can be stopped will suffer the shame. Do not count yourself among their number. Instead, be that odd one who will inevitably stand out.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How we feel

Memories are but a collection of that which we have experienced. They do not make us nor can they break us. And they are a pale imitation of life.

It is easier to remember feelings than particulars. Even if we could recall everything, how we feel gives it meaning. Otherwise, it is just raw data.

Feeling goes beyond emotion. The latter is a chemical response, but the former delves deeper.  Emotions are the tools to express how we feel.

Through sensation, we experience our world. The inside makes contact with what is without. We become stimulated, and that provokes a reaction.

One can react in a positive or negative manner. There is a wide spectrum between one or the other. So, different people will react in a different way.

Those who cannot feel are unable to truly live. They will not appreciate what is most precious. For their existence is but a stream of information. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Anxiety abounds

Anxiety comes too easily to most people. A slight bit of uncertainty becomes a mountain of worry. And it all comes crashing down upon us.

There is so much we carry around on our backs. It is a wonder the life expectancy can be so high. Stress builds steadily until you collapse.

Even when understandable, fear tends to be exaggerated. Everything is not falling apart. Rather, one or two matters may need to be addressed.

Drama kings and queens abound. And everyone is subjected to their conceits. The only place they lead others is into their world of misery.

We must learn to distinguish between our needs and wants. The former are required for mere survival. But the latter should always be earned.

The attention we crave does not make us royalty. Though the pain we cause might make it seem so. Such are only pretenders to the throne.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Adapt and overcome

Survival means you cannot keep doing things the same way. One must adapt and overcome. No matter the difficulty, a solution can be found.

When we are comfortable, we are the most vulnerable. That which is ours can be taken away. Be wary of anything which just sounds too good.

Living in fear is a miserable existence. A little caution can make a big difference. Those worthy of suspicion have a tendency to reveal themselves.

The outcome is beyond our control. Still, we can influence what happens along the way. What shape will you be in when the destination is reached?

Since the battlefield changes, so must our tactics. Replace anything that is not working. Remember the car is not the problem, just change the flat tire.

So many things escape our notice. For the ones who are honest, the answer will come. Be prepared for it to be not at all what you wanted to hear.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Something to remember

As memories pile up, it becomes harder to locate individual ones. What we want to remember gets buried. We are left to the here and now.

The things we would wish to forget often rise to the surface. It is like the desire to not recall a certain color. You will now be fixated upon it.

Those we care for should never be forgotten. Though their lives may have passed, they live on within. Deep in our hearts, there they remain.

Do not let your memory cover the bumps and bruises. If you do, your recollection will no longer be of them. It will be your own invention.

Celebrate the person and not the myth. It is easy to deceive ourselves for the sake of comfort. But a lie can do nothing to change the reality.

What will be remembered when we are gone? Is our legacy one of darkness or light? Let your deeds shine so bright they cannot be forgotten.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Fret not

When we worry, it does not make anything better. Things seem worse, though nothing has changed. Do what you can, and do not fret the rest.

Undue concern blows all things out of proportion. A frenzied individual is a danger to everyone. They can turn slight difficulties into peril.

The prophecy fulfills itself, in spectacular fashion. Do not lash out at your own reflection. You will end up with hands full of shattered glass.

Take only actions that will lead to improvement. Sometimes, the best move is not to make one. If you are standing on a cliff, do not step forward.

Those who are incapable cannot be held responsible. Decisions should only be made when one is calm. Let matters be seen in their true form.

Leave the small things to sweat for themselves. The best ideas are among the simplest. The more elaborate the plan, the less likely it will work.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Doing the improbable

It is imperative to maintain one's momentum. Things cannot be allowed to be brought to a halt. Otherwise, the progress made could be lost.

Most human lives are stationary targets. So many have already given up, and accepted their lot. As long as the heart beats, matters can change.

Keep moving and complacency will not set in. It takes great energy to accomplish the improbable. To succeed, it takes all you have and then some.

One can play a game well and still not win. Those who do are able to summon just that much more. Often, it is decided by the slightest advantage.

A loss means that you must try harder. If one way does not work, there is always another. Keep your ideas fresh by not grinding them into the dirt.

When the heart fails, all else will follow. Just keep looking in the direction you are heading. Be constantly surprised by how far you have come. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Making progress

To make progress, one must stay focused. Being pulled in too many directions means going nowhere. And it is also a waste of precious energy.

If you do not like where you are in life, make better decisions. There are ways to get out of a mess. But the most effective is not to get into it.

Consider carefully what changes will need to be made. Sometimes, you can wind up in a worse state. Think better, and you will tend to do better.

We cannot control the way things turn out. But we can influence them for good or ill. Be the difference if you would wish to make one.

Recklessness reduces potential to just scattered regrets. Many interests have shallow roots. And desperation can make a fool out of anyone.

It is better to move surely than quickly. Those who rush make so many mistakes. Often they find their way to the goal, only to wonder why.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Beyond expectation

Good things happen when you do not expect. They tend not to be grandiose gestures. Yet, the impression they leave is beyond expectation.

All your troubles will not just go away. But something can happen to make your burdens lighter. And then, they will be so much easier to carry.

A little kindness can go a long way. It can clear the obstacles from your path. And what remains is just to pick a direction and then get moving.

Having one's desires fulfilled tends to make one lazy. But be assured, nothing in life is free. There is a high price to be paid for such convenience.

Only that which is earned is deserved. Everything else comes down to someone's agenda. Understand that your best interests are not their concern.

We must fight to prove ourselves worthy of better. Otherwise, we will languish in weary contentment. Feasting on the crumbs is no way to thrive.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

While we wait

What does it mean to be patient? It does not entail sitting around on one's hands. There is a great amount of work to be done while we are waiting.

If we do not put in the effort now, we will not see results. Doing nothing means receiving the same. Then, we are merely waiting for everything to end.

There is no formula for success. People get there in various and sundry ways. What they have in common is it took action to determine the outcome.

While one is working, they should be waiting for an opportunity. It does not need to lead directly to the goal. If it gets you closer, then there is progress.

Do not be afraid of disappointment. It happens to the best of us. We really do not know the effects of what we do until after our moves have been made.

What are we waiting for? A single moment when things start to fall into place. Like assembling a puzzle, putting together the edges is how you start.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Using your moments

What is it you value most of all? The answer to that question determines a person's worth. Through it, one is able to see to the very depths of their heart.

The things of this world will return to it. Thus, anything rooted here cannot endure. It is necessary to exist beyond the physical to have any real future.

Those who care are not bound to the material. Nature, though alive, has no such concerns. It is merely a cycle which will continue on indefinitely.

We must have eyes to see what is in front of us. Understand what is important, and what can wait. Use your moments, before they inevitably run out.

It is the living who are in need of our assistance. This world is a terrible place to be alone. Hearts are  broken in the absence of but a single kind word.

There is so much indifference one could drown in it. All we really need is a chance to breathe. Those who make a difference are like a breath of fresh air.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Not an option

Life is filled with uncertainty. Tomorrow is another mystery to be unraveled. Though the odds are stacked against us, they exist to be beaten.

It is not a good idea to get too comfortable. For it can all be so easily taken away. Every moment is a struggle for survival, one we may not win.

Courage is demonstrated when you do not know. If success was assured, it would lose all meaning. When failure is not an option, we fight harder.

We may not like where the winds take us. But we can no more stop them than we can the rain. One must learn to use such forces to their advantage.

Rage against the tempest, and it will wash you away. But there comes a point when the tide does turn. When the time comes, you must be prepared.

Experience will be your tutor. Understand that what you do not know can hurt you. React accordingly, and fight until you can no more.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Inspiration and understanding

What does it mean to put all of your energy into something? If we were things, it would be expended. Since we are people, it lives and breathes with us.

We may change our tactics, but the goal remains the same. There are bumps in the road to making things better. A string of losses often precedes a win.

In reality, we do not get what we want. What is received is in direct relation to the effort put forth. Success is not assured, but it is a distinct possibility.

It may not look the way we imagined. That is because dreams are based on feelings. But when you take the time to think, it all begins to make sense.

The particulars can take many forms. Sometimes the steps seem to lead nowhere. Being a part of the picture, means the entirety is beyond our purview.

Yet, eventually a pattern will emerge. The many disparate threads come together, and all is clear. Inspiration comes first, long before understanding.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Bad things happen

When bad things happen, we tend to panic. Flailing one's limbs helplessly will not change the situation. Sometimes, the hardest thing is to be calm.

A clear head can  come up with a solution. Whereas, a frenzied mind is entirely predictable. Much will be attempted, but none of it will be productive.

Feelings have their place, but it is not in the middle of a crisis. Often, what we face is just an annoyance. With but a few moves, it can be overcome.

Passion is a tool that is frequently misused. It gives us the energy to just keep going. However, it can also rob us of even the mere semblance of sensibility.

Feel what you feel, but do not allow it to dictate your actions. We have a heart and we also have a mind. Use each for the purpose for which it was intended.

Evil delights in causing chaos. Fearful humans are much easier to control. Merely pull the rug out from under them, and watch as they are tossed about.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Acquitting ourselves

What we think does not change what is. Without all knowledge, you cannot trust the little you have. Think of all the many times we have been wrong.

It takes courage to venture into the unknown. Learn all you can, but understand it is only a piece of a bigger picture. For our lives are part of the story.

The things we do are designs on the tapestry of reality. Take care, for you do not know the effect that you have. The next generation is there watching.

Will we acquit ourselves well or poorly? It is in our hands to do good or ill. However, it is our hearts that will ultimately decide which one it shall be.

Take each day as it presents itself. Fret not the past, for the time has gone by. It is in this moment we should live, and make it better than ever before.

While you tread the earth, walk with purpose. We are responsible for how it turns out. May each step be ever onward, climbing upward, never ceasing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ideas and reality

There is a difference between having an idea and making it a reality. Notions come quite readily. The real challenge is in making things happen.

If you wish to be successful, be prepared for a long haul. So many are competing for the prize. It is not enough to be good, you must be better.

Vision gets you moving in a direction. Resilience will keep you going when things get rough. The combination of the two can lead to success.

Those easily discouraged need not apply. In such an arduous climb, there are many cuts and scrapes. If you give up easily, just give in now.

What may seem to be a shortcut, could be a dead end. There is no substitute for hard work. At the end of the day, you will have something to show.

Ideas are what get you started. The hard part is in bringing what is between your ears to life. That takes a game plan, and the ability to adapt.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Taking a risk

A chance is merely a possibility. It does not mean you will have anything to show for your efforts. What we do with our chances determines all.

Nothing worthwhile occurs by happenstance. It takes effort to realize one's potential. Without energy, the noblest of intentions will inevitably fall flat.

Taking a risk, means you could fail. There is also a chance of success. Defeat could mean a grievous loss, while victory can make it all worthwhile.

If you go out on a limb, it might not sustain your weight. The splintering of wood can herald the breaking of bones. The consequences are real.

Those who play it safe will have their health and little else. Courage does not mean you are not afraid. Rather one faces their fear, and presses on.

Take too many chances, and it could be your doom. It is important to pick the best time to strike. And when you make your move, hold nothing back.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Patience and perseverance

It takes a lot of patience to see something through to the end. It is easy to talk, and much harder to take action. But only one will get things done.

A great city takes more than a day to be built. To have a legacy, one must have accomplishments. Neither of these is going to happen overnight.

Sometimes, the best you can do is to maintain. And that can be incredibly frustrating to your enemies. For it makes an utter mockery of all their might.

Focus on the goal and do not deviate from it. There are many distractions, so tune them all out. Your eyes will be needed to see where you are going.

Keep an ear to the ground, listening for the approach of an opportunity. Be ready to seize it when it comes into view. Use it to realize your dreams.

Those who want will be found wanting. It is not enough to desire, you must persevere. Be prepared for when that awaited moment finally arrives.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The best teacher

As the years go by, I am reminded that what does not last remains in the past. So many things fall by the wayside. What is important is what endures.

Wounds can be healed with the passage of time. Even the deepest of pains has a tendency to diminish. And one day it has dwindled to but a memory.

It does no good to dwell on our mistakes. Learn from them, and then just keep going. Fixating on such things merely leaves us in a fixed position.

If we lose our momentum, we will return to bad habits. The clock turns back for a repeat performance. This one will be no better than the last.

As teachers go, experience is the best. You have already seen how the story will end. But it is not finished until the final chapter has been written.

Our every day adds another page. Life does love its tragedies, but hopes for better. And a triumph is there somewhere waiting for someone to earn it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Making a difference

One's greatest opponent is their self. The most wicked acts are born of selfishness. People will sacrifice anyone just to get what they want.

The selfless end up serving those who are not. They become the pawns in someone else's game. And just like in chess, they are readily expended.

Look out for others, but not to your own exclusion. We learn to care by caring about ourselves. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

In a world that takes, be the one who gives. Let your every moment be a blessing to those around you. In a sea of sameness, make a difference.

You may never know what effect you have. Some will see it, and some will turn away. Creatures of darkness cannot stand the shining of a light.

It is through our own eyes that we see the world. An honest heart will behold it clearly. Use that vision to make things better than you know.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hearing the song

There are things we do just because we love to do them. Somehow, they become a part of us. Even when the music ends, we still hear the song.

Obstacles are put in our path, some that seem insurmountable. Yet, our passions push us to overcome. And then, we get past what is in our way.

It is not through vainglory that we attempt to do the impossible. Something deeper inspires us to persevere. That is why we cannot be stopped.

Money and power will only take you so far. Once they are attained, the victory will ring hollow. For such things cannot motivate one to endure.

Often, success is the prelude to despair. When what one wants fails to satisfy, what is left? You only really have what you have brought with you.

Passion is like the mythical bird, constantly returning from the ashes. To fly, you need only to spread your wings. Up in the clouds, one soars free.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Change of fortune

It is a rare thing to get what you want. There are too many others vying for the prize. The question is: can you get something which will work?

So few know an opportunity when they see one. The most precious gems are concealed in ordinary rock. For so long, they wait to be discovered.

Yet, it is the craftsman who reveals their beauty. What is had is not as important as what is done with it. To have innovation, you must envision.

Can you bend circumstances to your purposes? If left to itself, everything begins to unravel. The slightest chance can change one's fortune.

Instead of worrying about the cards, just play the hand. The game cannot be won by giving up. For those who overcome, adaptation is a necessity.

If you have nothing to work with, keep looking. There is more than one pathway to success. But sometimes, the best one is also the hardest.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Errors and failings

What has happened before can happen again. History is full of those who thought they were above it. In the end, they ended up being plowed under.

Time goes by and the memory of man starts to fade. That which was proven foul becomes fair again. People are deceived by a fresh coat of paint.

To truly learn from our mistakes, we must recognize them as such. Otherwise, we will keep making them. And our end will be the same old story.

We must get past what we want to see what is. However, this is merely the starting point. The goal is before us, but to get there we must overcome.

Even in winning, most tend to lose. They cannot maintain the advancements they have made. What good is it to press forward only to slide back?

Errors unchecked become failings. Learn from those who have gone on before. You can find out what should be done and what definitely should not.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Falling together

Sometimes, it feels like your whole world is collapsing. That which can go wrong has done so. But is everything falling apart or coming together?

Often, we focus on the bad and miss all the good. Life has never been easy, and that is not going to change. But it is within us to turn things around.

After all we have been through, quitting is not an option. It should only ever be considered to be dismissed. And then, it should be forgotten.

The pain we experience is only temporary. It is the body's way of telling us how much danger we are in. But it pales next to that of a shattered spirit.

There are no obstacles that cannot be surmounted. And then, mount them on a wall as a reminder. They cannot prevent one who will not be prevented.

One gets hurt as they stumble through this life. But bumps and bruises do not last. As long as we are holding it together, we can never really fall apart.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Winnowing Way

A poem about loss and gain.

The Winnowing Way

As the wind blows,
each secret shows.
What was hidden
is made manifest.

What did we sow?
What did we grow?
Have we been cursed,
or are we blessed?

Touched by the breeze,
blown through the trees.
Not what we sought,
we have received.

Shells come away,
dropped to decay.
Pests tossed as well,
grant us reprieve.

How have we erred,
lost in the air?
Were these pieces
not parts of us?

Cruelly they fall,
tumbling all,
onto the ground
without a fuss.

What is revealed,
fit for a meal,
it is the grain
that was contained.

Were it not tossed,
this would be lost.
For every gain,
there is a loss.

What do we mourn?
Why be forlorn?
It was the husk
hiding the corn.

Naught did we waste,
now we can taste.
What was concealed,
now we embrace.

These are the things,
each season brings.
Showers will fall,
upon us all.

What will be grown,
shall be made known.
For questions asked,
we will be shown.

As the wind blows,
each secret shows.
Soft it arrives,
swiftly it goes.

What will we sow?
What will we grow?
All of our deeds
one day will show.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Beyond the grasp

There are occasions to look back. You evaluate what was done, and what can be done better. Nothing will trip one up like than their own missteps.

Once the path is clear, it is necessary to move forward. While you are progressing is not the time for a second guess. It is too easy to lose momentum.

Focus on your objective, and advance steadily towards it. If you stumble, just keep going. Nothing can stop someone who refuses to be kept down.

When your course has been set, do not deviate from it. Often, our own doubts and misgivings obstruct us. There will always be a reason to halt.

That is when you should break into a run. If others are trying to prevent you, prevent them. No matter how far they reach, stay well beyond their grasp.

This is a world that likes to take. And it does not deal kindly with what it grabs. Give them the fight of their lives, and all they will take is a beating.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Life goes by

It is the thing which waits for no man. We all burn within these flames. And since it eventually runs out, you will never have enough: time.

We are both fascinated and intimidated, knowing that one day will come. And then, everything stops. Existence takes on a whole new meaning.

How we spend what we have determines everything. Will these precious hours be squandered? Or will we live each moment to the fullest?

The time which is lost you cannot get back. However, if it is invested wonderful things can be accomplished. Do not let them pass you by.

Cherish each breath, as if it might be your last. Our lives go by so swiftly, and yet so surely. The end of one is like the snuffing out of a candle. 

That we are still here, means there is work to do. There is a great distance left to traverse. After all, the journey of our lives has only just begun.