Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Time to rest

When you have done all you can, it is time to rest. Fixating on matters merely leads to exhaustion. You will need your wits about you to succeed.

One cannot expect to run on an empty tank. Mind, body and spirit all require refreshment. Fatigue means a lack of energy when it is needed most.

Imagination must be fed like anything else. What starts out as an idea, becomes a passion. Very often, these things will take on a life of their own.

The world has a way of wearing us down. Pure enjoyment can be quite invigorating. We can set aside all our burdens for a precious few moments.

While we are resting, the subconscious is at work. Slowly it is putting the pieces together. It is laziness when nothing is done with the results.

Once the energy returns, we are ready to go on. All that was needed was a chance to catch our breath. Now, we will see how much more we can do.


  1. Like a fan club you didn't know existed... @_@ (Details on Sunday!)

    1. I am not a fan of clubs. They are invariably exclusive. My words are for anyone who is willing to listen.

  2. The mind and body require time to recharge, the spirit is always willing when inspired. We must indeed be careful not to burn out the flesh and keep the spirit fueled.

    1. Without energy, inspiration is ineffectual. You will want to do something, but not have the ability. Great things can be done if we take the time to rest when it is needed.
