Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Head above water

Onto our lives some rain must fall. What happens when the storm passes says a lot about a person. Will you drown or keep your head above water?

Not all problems are catastrophic ones. Usually, we can handle what comes our way. But life has a way of draining the energy that keeps you going.

Do not discount the slightest bit of progress. Often, a little motivation is all you really need. It is enough to know that your efforts are not in vain.

Those who lose the will tend to waste away. Regret floods in to fill the void. There it will stay to serve as a reminder of all that could have been.

Feed the spirit that which brings you joy. Renew your strength by pushing back against the gloom. Remind yourself how wonderful it is to be alive.

The thunder might crash and the skies could pour. We have seen the lightning flash before. No matter how dark the night, there soon comes the dawn. 


  1. I notice a pattern in a lot of these blogs. You start with some sort of adversity. Proceed to a reaction and then compare it to the decisions of people who either make bad decisions are are nay-sayers. Then wrap it up with a positive outcome for those who stay on the path. Now even though the theme changes quite often, you can still hear the rhythm after reading them once every week.

    1. They say write what you know, and I have experienced all of these things. The goal is to communicate what has been learned. If the ending is positive, it is because the lesson has been taken to heart.

  2. Indeed we must push back against the gloom of the world and live for the spirit, otherwise all will be washed away. When we break free of it all it will be revealed who we truly are.

    1. For all of its failings, this is the world in which we live. So, we must make the best of our predicament. Abandoning it will not set us free.
