Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Getting results

Certain things we do give a sense of accomplishment. Usually, they require a great deal of effort. However, the results just speak for themselves.

It is the difficult things that test our abilities. This keeps our edge from growing dull. That which may be the toughest can also be the most fulfilling.

Weakness should only inspire a lack of such. By encouraging it, we ensure that it will continue. The real strength of a chain resides in its weakest link.

Those who make excuses produce very little else. They waste a great deal of time complaining. Yet, when it comes to doing, they are found wanting.

The successful focus on what they can do. Worrying only makes matters seem worse. The surest way to increase one's stress is through undue concern.

Save the praise for the ones who deserve it. To be worthy, you must get results. Being loud gets you noticed; being effective means they will find you.


  1. What if a person's mind and body (medically speaking) cannot work together to test the abilities, to stop the edge from getting dull, and therefore little to no fulfillment is gained or results produced?

    1. It all comes down to doing what you can. Someone in a wheelchair cannot be expected to walk. But there is always something of which we are capable.

  2. Yeah, I really hate it when people have a physical or mental problem and pretty much just use it as an excuse to be lazy and worthless for the rest of their lives. They don't even bother.

    1. It is not our difficulties, but how we overcome them which matters. That takes creativity and determination. And the results will speak for themselves.

  3. Indeed it's all about what we can do, people tend to become discouraged when they believe it's only the big picture that matters. The least is the greatest, think about what we can do to make things better and we can start a chain reaction. Inspiration is always started by a small spark that grows into a burning passion.

    1. The big picture is made up of many smaller dramas. We cannot change the world, but we can make it just a little bit better. And the ramifications will be felt all over.
