Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Holding tight

Holding too tightly to anything can leave you with a handful of shards. It is important to know when to let go. While not pleasant, it could be necessary.

The desire of man is a dangerous thing. There are those willing to kill in order to fulfill theirs. How can we want something obtained at so high a price?

When a wish becomes an obsession, it is time to reconsider. Will you still be able to look yourself in the mirror? Or will you shy away from what you see?

Sacrificing others does not make you a winner. Refusing to do so does not leave you at a loss. No matter what, we should earn whatever we receive.

Those who take, end up with nothing in the end. This is because possessions do not satisfy. It is not profitable to wind up with a pile of worthless junk.

Release what you love, so that it can breathe. What does it matter if it slips through your fingers? With the loss of but a single seed, growth can begin.


  1. Well, we don't own people. That's really what it comes down to.

    1. There is very little we can call our own. And even those things can be taken away. Only what we are can endure.

  2. Desire leads one to seek outside sources and hold on them tightly. Instead we should become a source, ie. if it is love we seek than love we should create. Let go of the outside and grow from within.

    1. Control of the outside is a madman's dream. And what would you have if you were successful? Just a pile of worthless junk.
