Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Patience and perseverance

It takes a lot of patience to see something through to the end. It is easy to talk, and much harder to take action. But only one will get things done.

A great city takes more than a day to be built. To have a legacy, one must have accomplishments. Neither of these is going to happen overnight.

Sometimes, the best you can do is to maintain. And that can be incredibly frustrating to your enemies. For it makes an utter mockery of all their might.

Focus on the goal and do not deviate from it. There are many distractions, so tune them all out. Your eyes will be needed to see where you are going.

Keep an ear to the ground, listening for the approach of an opportunity. Be ready to seize it when it comes into view. Use it to realize your dreams.

Those who want will be found wanting. It is not enough to desire, you must persevere. Be prepared for when that awaited moment finally arrives.


  1. Patience is keeping your cool and not losing your footing, perseverance is continuing when your goal seems out of sight. Our passion requires us to keep going for better or worse.

    1. The goal is ever before us. It takes a great deal of patience to have even a chance of reaching it. But every step we take is that much closer.

  2. Keywords that I did not like in this blog: Patience, Legacy, Maintain, Opportunity.

    We are not machines.

    1. Machines do not care about what they do. So, such things would have no meaning to them. Those who put in the work should reap the benefits.
