Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Built to last

Things do not last in this world. Often, they are made with the cheapest materials. It takes great care to keep them together long enough to even be useful.

What you build the elements could take away. Even the best workmanship can be lost in a fire. We are fortunate if what we have is here after a few years.

That which exists inside has a better chance. But we must communicate it to those around us. When others share our passions, they have more longevity.

If you love something, it already has a higher standing. You would not think of planning for its obsolescence. Time may pass, but it will still remain.

Yet, the day comes when you must pass it on. Otherwise, when you go it shall accompany you. And the world will have lost something it cannot get back.

Caring has a way of slowing the clock. If it lives in your heart, it can be shared with others. The memories may fade, but the inspiration is built to last.


  1. Although the point of the blog is true, it's no large revelation. What creeps me out, and I am just noticing this, is that the final words of each paragraph are lined up. Uncanny valley. I think I may have learned something from this. No, not in context of what you wrote.

    1. So many people live their lives in the accumulation of things. It is important to remember that they cannot be taken with us. This is not a good place to lay up our treasure.

  2. Indeed, if we do not share our passions and create with our inspirations then they will be lost. The material world is destined to fade, but the spirit can grow infinitely.

    1. That which we share can outlive us. Others will be inspired by what we have done. They will build upon what we have started.
