Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Giving of yourself

We will put ourselves through much for those we care about. No matter how hard, we will make it work. Their needs have more value than our wants.

If you love someone, prepare to be tested. It shall not be by their expectations, but by your sense of urgency. What they need will somehow be provided.

A person does not really know their limits until a loved one is in peril. Then, you will see how strong the bond is. Everything else gets pushed to the side.

Those who cannot see past themselves will never understand. There is a joy that comes from giving of yourself. Though exhausting, it is most fulfilling.

The time invested will not be wasted. In one way or another, things will be made better. And you can rest, knowing all that could have been done was.

To take is to always be left wanting. To give is the path to satisfaction. That which is required will forever pale in comparison to something freely given.


  1. Replies
    1. I take solace knowing that we did what could be done. The rest was out of our hands. Now, she can rest.

  2. The path of love is not an easy one, we give all of ourselves when we care. To do anything less is not an option when it comes to a loved one, our efforts are never in vain if done out of love.

    1. The way is difficult, but I could not accept another. It hurts because we care, but that is unavoidable. Let none be sacrificed for the sake of our convenience.
