Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Being human

Humanity is wasted on most people. Caring should come naturally to those who are able to feel. Yet, often something so simple is woefully lacking.

We have an endless capacity for good. Evil is manifested in all the missing pieces. It is the hole right through the place where the heart should be.

What we envision can be made real. This has been done so often that it goes without saying. The only question is how will we utilize this capability?

Humans can make the environment suit their purposes. We are able to make the desert bloom. Are there are any frontiers that are beyond our reach?

With all the things we can be, so many fall short. They dig a hole and bury their gifts inside. One can only hope that something will take root there.

Live up to the potential which has been placed in your hands. Do not concern yourself with what others do. It is hard enough just being human.


  1. Indeed, our Humanity is our potential to waste it by not imagining and creating is shameful. There are many pitfalls and machines waiting to entrap us and keep us from being human, but we must avoid them to be free to create.

    1. Wasted potential is a loss to us all. The machine is designed to reduce individuals to mere numbers. They intend to get rid of whatever does not fit the agenda.

  2. You put caring at the top? The problem with putting so much emphasis on caring is that he causes people to spend a lifetime second guessing themselves. Care for those you know. If people are worth a damn, they'll find you if you prove inspiring. Blanket caring is silly and does nobody any favors.

    1. You can care about someone without knowing anything about them. If knowledge is required, then what you do is not sincere. What you think does not determine anyone's worth.
