Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Standards and practice

Some people are held to a higher standard. Then, there are those who expect more of themselves. What others think should not affect what you do.

Do not trust someone who avoids responsibility. Speech that is not backed up by action is just words. Live the things you say and others might listen.

Beware of drawing too much attention. Those who do will end up endlessly scrutinized. Their every waking hour will be spent under the microscope.

Do better merely for the sake of doing so. Though it seems to be missed, it will not go unnoticed. If one person follows suit, then it is worth the trouble.

If someone looks up to you do not look down on them. The failings you see could be all too familiar. Experience should fill us with a sense of empathy.

Be an example for others to follow. Then, lead them as best you can. It will not get easier, but you will get more from the journey and the destination.


  1. Indeed, what others think should not affect our actions. We should live our lives doing our best to the fullest.

    1. People put too much stock in what others think. Living your life worrying about such things is a waste of time. Just care and all else will follow.

  2. Worldly leadership often goes in an endless circle. It's by design. The elites and the Devils who rule them can get more of there agenda accomplished while the little humans focus on worldly wisdom. Once humans begin taking a lot of risks they become a problem for the elites and often have to be suppressed. Another reason why I am not a fan of this blog. It toes the line given to us by the Devils themselves!

    1. Evil avoids responsibility like the plague. You cannot believe what they say, and should distrust what they do. Others are expected to live with their decisions.
