Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Irritation avoidance

We often give minor irritations major consideration. As if being inconvenienced was a serious problem. Our reaction should be to just relax.

Everything cannot go our way. There will be times when we do not get what we want. When one stops expecting, they can start experiencing life. 

What is allowed to get to us will do so. Disagreements can escalate quickly into something far worse. A debate is over once it becomes an argument.

Our world is filled with bodies in motion. So, there are going to be collisions. It is not what happens, but how we respond to it that is most important.

You do not stand up for yourself by trampling others. The squeaky wheel most often gets the grease. If the noise continues, a replacement is needed.

Some people walk around with a chip on their shoulder. They should be the ones to knock it off. Rather than starting trouble, it is best to avoid it.


  1. Minor irritations only inhibit progress, we should steel our nerves if we are to keep moving forward. Indeed some are just looking for trouble, they are stuck in a loop of their own making.

    1. Those who look for trouble will find it. If you do not let things get to you, it solves so many problems. We can make more progress when we are not stumbling over every little thing.

  2. Replies
    1. If you lose your cool, you have lost everything. A simple disagreement can escalate into a full-blown conflict. Let go of your ego before it takes control.
