Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The truth hurts

The truth hurts... that is what it does. But lying to oneself is merely a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable. You cannot deal with a problem by pretending it does not exist.

Lying to others is born of an agenda. Liars expect to get something from their deceit. Even if the sole fruits of their endeavors is to feel good about themselves.

It is easy to become entangled in your own lies. Eventually, one might even believe they can fly. However, the sudden impact brings reality swiftly home.

This world is not what we would like it to be. By being honest with ourselves, we can take real steps to make it better. Lies are like promises one knows will be broken.

Truth does not bring joy, but it does inspire one to action. Things cannot be left as miserable as they are. There is no shame in pressing onward, when the alternative is acceptance.

Honesty is not popular, but it is the only way to make actual progress. It hurts the eyes, but quickens the heartbeat. Improvement only comes when we refuse to stay the same.


  1. Indeed the truth hurts those who realize they are living in the lies. The lies that hurt the most are those we tell ourselves, usually they have seeds that are planted by those who want to manipulate us. Truth may not bring us joy at first but it will enlighten us to a new path, it is up to us to adapt and learn from the truth only then can we be inspired to action.

    1. The ones who manipulate others do indeed plant their lies deep inside. They will say what you want to hear and ensnare you thereby. People do their bidding, thinking the idea was their own.

  2. Actually, Fairyland is real. It's not our fault that a lot of people are not on board with it. In a fairyland, we all happily help each other and live a very productive life. We even go to other planets and spread out across the universe. The thing is, just because a lot of other humans are not doing this, does not mean you act any differently than the fairyland way. People who act outside of the approved cynical view of life--as many of your blogs seem to HEAVILY promote--actually do far better for themselves than the ones whop are always on the defensive. Donald Trump is a good example of this. So am I. I do not live in this nasty little world that you seem to hug so close to yourself; I live in a world that is quite real and works perfectly. Stop spreading cynical bull, Don. It's wrong. Show the world that you can actually do something wonderful so they know its actually possible. That's what Donald Trump did, and that's what I am gonna do to.

    1. Living in the real world is not being cynical, Tommy. A lot can be done to make things better. But first, it is important to see the world as it really is.
