Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Being responsible

Of the things that people take, responsibility is rarely in that list. We blame others for our problems. It is far easier to do that than to deal with them.

Fingers point outward, while the inward festers. Deflecting the attention away only changes the perspective. So, the issue remains unresolved.

By focusing on the faults of others, we fail to see our own shortcomings. However, they do not go away. When next we look, they will be worse.

Until your act is together, you should not critique anyone. Otherwise, you are inviting unwanted attention. Expect the reviews will not be kind.

Do not take down the house when only the roof needs fixing. The problems we face are not usually catastrophic. With effort, they can be overcome.

Honesty sees the weaknesses and does something about them. Leave not an opening for the enemy to exploit. Then, their attacks will just bounce off.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Wanting and deserving

There are things that we do which we would rather not. We do them simply because we must. Part of being an adult is taking care of one's responsibilities.

It takes time and effort to earn a better life. Patience is required to make dreams a reality. Learn the difference between wanting and deserving something.

No one else is to blame for your state of affairs. How things turn out is determined by the choices we make. Complaints will only increase one's frustration.

The higher you climb, the harder it will be. Expect the jealous to attempt to knock you from your perch. Your great fall will be a cause for celebration.

Those who play for sympathy do not take the game seriously. The squeaky wheel is most likely to be replaced. When it is gone, then there will be peace.

Life is always taking things. To survive, we need to make more than it takes away. The world does not belong to us, but it can be used to good effect.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Making or breaking

When you have something to work with, it is time to get started. Do not let that one chance slip away. You do not know when you will have another.

The doubters are silenced if you prove what you say. Facts have a tendency to dismiss opinion. It is so much easier to criticize than it is to achieve.

A statement bears weight when there is action behind it. Words do not make anything true or false. They can only be used for confirming or denying.

No one likes to be scrutinized. It is discomforting to know that you are being observed. Those who wish to be safe should stay away from the field.

Can you live up to the expectations? If not, then your influence will diminish rapidly. Whether it is right or wrong, someone will always be watching.

What we have to offer is the quality of our performance. It can either make us or leave us broken. So, go out there and show them just what you can do.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Slightest chance

Opportunities come in various sizes. The bigger ones are harder to come by. Yet, the slightest of chances might just be all that is really required.

In this world, you work with what you have. Wait for your dreams to come true and you will keep waiting. Who needs a leap when a step will do?

Do not expect everything to fall into place. Every move you make is another piece of the puzzle. The picture is incomplete until it is fully assembled.

It is easy to be frustrated when things do not go your way. To get it right, you would need to know how it should be. We rarely have that information.

We are working without a net. Adding to the challenge, we are wearing a blindfold. If we fall, it will take an army to put us back together once more.

The closer to the ground we are, the easier it will be to survive. Only when one is ready, should they ascend. That is when the difficulty truly begins. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Holding tight

Holding too tightly to anything can leave you with a handful of shards. It is important to know when to let go. While not pleasant, it could be necessary.

The desire of man is a dangerous thing. There are those willing to kill in order to fulfill theirs. How can we want something obtained at so high a price?

When a wish becomes an obsession, it is time to reconsider. Will you still be able to look yourself in the mirror? Or will you shy away from what you see?

Sacrificing others does not make you a winner. Refusing to do so does not leave you at a loss. No matter what, we should earn whatever we receive.

Those who take, end up with nothing in the end. This is because possessions do not satisfy. It is not profitable to wind up with a pile of worthless junk.

Release what you love, so that it can breathe. What does it matter if it slips through your fingers? With the loss of but a single seed, growth can begin.