Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Wanting and deserving

There are things that we do which we would rather not. We do them simply because we must. Part of being an adult is taking care of one's responsibilities.

It takes time and effort to earn a better life. Patience is required to make dreams a reality. Learn the difference between wanting and deserving something.

No one else is to blame for your state of affairs. How things turn out is determined by the choices we make. Complaints will only increase one's frustration.

The higher you climb, the harder it will be. Expect the jealous to attempt to knock you from your perch. Your great fall will be a cause for celebration.

Those who play for sympathy do not take the game seriously. The squeaky wheel is most likely to be replaced. When it is gone, then there will be peace.

Life is always taking things. To survive, we need to make more than it takes away. The world does not belong to us, but it can be used to good effect.


  1. People ARE actually jealous for the silliest things. Like.. that perch you talked about was actually really hardly anything. But people without a resolve don't like people who have one.

    1. Jealousy does not take rationality into account. What one wants is the only thing considered. And they will sacrifice anything and anyone to get it.

  2. It's common for people to blame others for what they do not have, but it's all too rare for them to actually take responsibility for their own state.

    1. Those who take responsibility are few and far between. Most would rather point fingers than point out their own failings. The childhood of adults is not so far behind them.
