Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Necessary risks

In our lives, there will be risks we need to take. Those who play it safe will not win the game. Having something to lose is the best motivation to succeed.

Those who are reckless tend to wreck everything. We should be aware of the consequences for failure. Then, we will know what must be avoided.

Losing a single battle does not usually mean the war is over. It is important to learn how to fail forward. A loss can be turned into an advantage.

Achieving our dreams requires more than mere heart. Good decisions will also be necessary. Otherwise, we end up with just the highest of hopes.

Much suffering could come along the way. Do not let the fear of pain act as a deterrent. Taking a stand is much better than to fall on one's sword.

Understand the risk before you take it. If moving will not help you advance, you should stay in place. Look for an opportunity, and then you seize it.

Before the Dawn

A poem about being able to go on.

Before the Dawn

Dark the night and the shadows deep,
as we lay down and fall to sleep.
Our goal is but to greet the sun,
before our final song is sung.

This is our life for good or ill,
a world of strife that saps our will.
The hardest things with which we struggle:
daily pain and constant trouble.

What do we hope to one day see?
Is there an end to misery?
With all we do and all we say,
will it be cruelly snatched away?

Our hearts can take only so much,
before we feel death’s icy touch.
Solace is sought, not to be found.
Wishes are brought into the ground.

Yet, what we fear is nothing new.
Shedding our tears we make it through.
Telling ourselves once more to rise,
off the shelf and into the skies.

All of our loss is turned aside.
Despair is tossed, dismay denied.
That which conspired to cause us grief,
now has expired, beyond belief.

For when the smoke does flee away,
we have awoke to see the day.
Standing upright, we take some steps;
into the light, up from the depths.

Holding our precious memories,
feeling the blessed cooling breeze.
What we will find, while going on:
the darkest time before the dawn.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Standards and practice

Some people are held to a higher standard. Then, there are those who expect more of themselves. What others think should not affect what you do.

Do not trust someone who avoids responsibility. Speech that is not backed up by action is just words. Live the things you say and others might listen.

Beware of drawing too much attention. Those who do will end up endlessly scrutinized. Their every waking hour will be spent under the microscope.

Do better merely for the sake of doing so. Though it seems to be missed, it will not go unnoticed. If one person follows suit, then it is worth the trouble.

If someone looks up to you do not look down on them. The failings you see could be all too familiar. Experience should fill us with a sense of empathy.

Be an example for others to follow. Then, lead them as best you can. It will not get easier, but you will get more from the journey and the destination.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Live each day

There is not a way to turn back the clock. However, large amounts of stress can put the years on you. All of that anxiety just leads to an early ending.

Age may just be a number, but it is one that keeps getting larger. Still, it is our health we must be concerned with. The mileage can only get so high.

Those who take care of themselves tend to have better longevity. Our bodies can only take so much abuse. Then, they collapse and take us with them.

People expire on the inside before the outside comes into play. We can only be depressed for so long. The time comes when one is unable to go on.

Live each day like it is the only one you have. Tomorrow is a dream that might not come true. So, make the most of whatever you are blessed with.

Burdens are to be borne, not to lead us to the ground. The less you worry, the happier you will be. Do not let the lines on your face start with a frown.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Trail of destruction

Anger is one of the most useless emotions. It leads people to do the most foolish things. Giving into it can destroy a person, and the ones they love.

We all become upset when things do not go our way. Feeding those feelings will only make things worse. Let them grow and you will regret it.

It takes effort to retain one's calm. Remind yourself that a momentary release could do serious damage. Innocents could be caught in the blast.

Rage leaves a trail of destruction behind it. In the absence of fuel, fire ceases to burn. Do not wait until the blaze has grown out of control.

That which seems to keep you warm can consume everything. Releasing it will not be sufficient. Do not rest until the flames are extinguished.

People are a daily test of our patience. Frustration builds only when we let it. If we are able to relax, then the seething rage will just fade away.