Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Odd one out

To endure, one must be patient as the waves beating against the shore. Though it may be slow, the progress is sure. The ground itself can be moved.

Walls stand until they are toppled. Then, they become merely a pile of rubble. That which obstructed has been reduced to but a minor hindrance at best.

We must wait to see the fruits of our labors. After each seed has been planted, it must be nurtured. Only then does it produce that which is desired.

Put your heart to the task if you would see results. The lifeless is destined only for decay. Make sure what you want will be worth the effort required.

When pushed by the world, we should push back. Let our actions prove their ineffectiveness. They will tire long before the breaking of our resolve.

Those who can be stopped will suffer the shame. Do not count yourself among their number. Instead, be that odd one who will inevitably stand out.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How we feel

Memories are but a collection of that which we have experienced. They do not make us nor can they break us. And they are a pale imitation of life.

It is easier to remember feelings than particulars. Even if we could recall everything, how we feel gives it meaning. Otherwise, it is just raw data.

Feeling goes beyond emotion. The latter is a chemical response, but the former delves deeper.  Emotions are the tools to express how we feel.

Through sensation, we experience our world. The inside makes contact with what is without. We become stimulated, and that provokes a reaction.

One can react in a positive or negative manner. There is a wide spectrum between one or the other. So, different people will react in a different way.

Those who cannot feel are unable to truly live. They will not appreciate what is most precious. For their existence is but a stream of information. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Anxiety abounds

Anxiety comes too easily to most people. A slight bit of uncertainty becomes a mountain of worry. And it all comes crashing down upon us.

There is so much we carry around on our backs. It is a wonder the life expectancy can be so high. Stress builds steadily until you collapse.

Even when understandable, fear tends to be exaggerated. Everything is not falling apart. Rather, one or two matters may need to be addressed.

Drama kings and queens abound. And everyone is subjected to their conceits. The only place they lead others is into their world of misery.

We must learn to distinguish between our needs and wants. The former are required for mere survival. But the latter should always be earned.

The attention we crave does not make us royalty. Though the pain we cause might make it seem so. Such are only pretenders to the throne.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Adapt and overcome

Survival means you cannot keep doing things the same way. One must adapt and overcome. No matter the difficulty, a solution can be found.

When we are comfortable, we are the most vulnerable. That which is ours can be taken away. Be wary of anything which just sounds too good.

Living in fear is a miserable existence. A little caution can make a big difference. Those worthy of suspicion have a tendency to reveal themselves.

The outcome is beyond our control. Still, we can influence what happens along the way. What shape will you be in when the destination is reached?

Since the battlefield changes, so must our tactics. Replace anything that is not working. Remember the car is not the problem, just change the flat tire.

So many things escape our notice. For the ones who are honest, the answer will come. Be prepared for it to be not at all what you wanted to hear.