Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The written word

Reading is an exercise of the mind. Mental faculties become weak through disuse. They are strengthened through the power of the written word.

We can learn a great deal from nonfiction. However, it is fiction that tends to inspire. The enjoyment of a story far outweighs the accumulation of facts.

It is not enough to just read a book. For the full experience, digestion is required. Similar to how our bodies break down food, our minds process ideas.

Those who read are apt to have better comprehension. A big part of writing is communicating concepts. What is written must be clearly conveyed.

Some mediums provide you with images. With books, you are required to form your own mental picture. It does not need to match that of the author.

One can read about many different things. Regardless, there is an interest to be explored. Instead of limiting yourself, seek to broaden your horizons.


  1. The written word allows our thoughts and feeling to explore our imagination. There are no limits to the worlds we can experience in the realm of fiction.

    1. Reading reminds you what is possible, and makes you wonder what is not. The key is to absorb whatever is on the page. It may not be useful now, but the time will come.

  2. Oh hell yes! A good blog for a change! Reading not only inspires but it broaden's the mind and allows mental growth. You shouldn't write until you read plenty first.

    1. Reading provides raw material for writing. You learn what works and what does not. It also helps you build up the energy necessary for your own work.
