Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Earned approbation

It is best to beware of those who heap praise upon you. Friends say good things begrudgingly. Be sure that flattery does not come without a price.

There are those whose tongues drip with compliments. Watch your back and your bank account. Listen at your own risk, and follow at your peril.

Not every kind word is meant to ensnare. Some people genuinely mean what they say. Usually, they will make a statement and let it stand on its own.

Criticism comes easier than commendation. It is far simpler to point out one's faults than their merits. Also, arrogance will be naturally discouraged.

Some feel that extolling the virtues of one diminishes themselves. So, they hold such things within. No one is better for not giving what is deserved.

Those who do well have earned their approbation. Be suspicious when receiving what was not sought. Someone is expecting to benefit thereby.


  1. Some do indeed use vanity as a tool to take advantage of others. Unfortunately we should be weary of strangers who speak kind words, but we should embrace those who prove themselves friends.

    1. Those who demonstrate they care should be cared for. No words are necessary to prove who you really are. However, they are often used to deceive.

  2. I got one friend who loves praise but still gets uncomfortable. I got another friend who just does not want praise at all. People don't freaking know what they want.

    1. Compliments are best given in small increments. Criticism should also be used sparingly. Then, people are less likely to be proud or ashamed.
