Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leaders and followers

Those who cannot set their own path must be led. Be careful who you choose to follow. In order to lead, they should have an idea where to go.

It takes vision to be a good leader. You need to be able to see what others cannot. Otherwise, you and your followers will both wind up in a ditch.

The preference is to make your own decisions. An inability to do so leaves you in a vulnerable state. And there are many who will exploit that.

Following seems to be the easier way. Someone else will bear the responsibility. Yet, when things go bad, you will still suffer along with them.

People love to play the blame game. They refuse to decide, but complain when a decision is made. If left in their hands, nothing would get done.

The ones who are not decisive should be supportive. Then, the team will be able to progress. Do not pick a leader, only to nitpick all they do.


  1. It all boils down to personal responsibility. If you are your own person and take up the mantle of human being then you will never be a follower.

    1. People avoid responsibility like the plague. So, they get others to make decisions for them. And then, they complain about the results.

  2. The great ones of this world will be the few. Advising a follower to lead will always be fruitless.

    1. If one cannot be a leader, then they must be led. The first step is choosing the right person to follow. Then, they need to be supportive of the one making the decisions.
