Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Giving and getting

What you do tends to come back to you. Those who care for others are more likely to be cared for. Yet, the indifferent expect to be treated differently.

Hurting people fills them with the desire to repay in kind. Helping them can inspire similar feelings. What we get is in direct proportion to what we give.

The vengeful yearn to see their tormentors grimace. But that is not how these things usually work. Live well, and leave them to whatever may come.

It is possible to vex someone with kindness. Still, there are those who cannot be moved. Let them remain in place, just like the stones which they are.

We are happiest when such are left behind. To dwell on their deeds is attention they do not deserve. When ignored, they languish in their irrelevance.

May they be starved of the thing they so desperately crave. The world will go on when they are gone. It might even be a better place without them in it.


  1. Help those who can be helped and ignore the rest of the riff-raff.

    1. We do not always know who can be helped. Always give the benefit of the doubt. People will reveal who they truly are.

  2. Indeed the Golden Rule is one that Jesus commands. To act in kindness expecting something in return is hollow, to actually care is to put yourself aside to treat others as you would want to be treated. Some cannot be help and should be left to languish.

    1. Kindness must come without expectations. Do not waste it on those who do not care. Leave them to languish with the company of themselves.
