Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Begin again

Our lives are filled with unhappy endings. If we just left it there, the tale would be miserable indeed. But an end just means it is time to begin again..

As long as the fight is still in you, then you are still in the fight. Only when you give up will it truly be over. Losing is not an excuse for giving in.

When we are weary, the hardest thing is to go on. It can be an ordeal just putting one foot in front of the other. Those who do cannot be stopped.

The ones who support you will do so as long as you support yourself. One can only carry another so far. Eventually, they must stand on their own.

Think of all those who have helped you. Do not let their efforts be in vain. Reward them for their investment of time and sheer determination.

Pain reminds us of just how dangerous the world is. Its only real purpose is to be overcome. Refuse to let it define the way your life is to be lived. 


  1. Ugh. Sorry, this is one of those blogs I feel like I've read about a hundred times from you. I'm gonna call this week a rub and hope for better from the next one. New content please.

    1. When you write about real life, there are going to be certain recurring themes. That which is new is most likely arbitrary. Either that or the mixture is unrecognizable.

  2. If we give up tragedy will be the only ending left for us, we must remain steadfast and be who we were meant to be; Not for our own sake but for the sake of those who would be inspired.

    1. Giving up is not an ending anyone should embrace. We should never let the final result be failure. As long as you are still swinging, the fight is not over.
