Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Setting things right

What do you do when everything goes wrong? It would be easy to curl up in a fetal position. However, an adult sets out to set things right.

Life snatches up our plans and tosses them out the window. Things rarely turn out the way we intend. Still, that does not mean we should give up.

Sometimes, what is necessary is to be where you are needed. It can make a world of difference. Often, all that is required is a helping hand.

Do not lose sight of what is important, or more specifically who. When we are busy, we can be neglectful. Take the time to show you care.

People need support to carry on. The power of a kind word is wondrous to behold. Even the hardest of hearts can be melted with such warmth.

Life is too short not to use the time we have. A minute wasted, can lead to a lifetime of regret. So cherish every second that you are still here.


  1. I'm okay with some of this. I do think that it is not good to play too nice with everyone. Being an adult is one thing, but becoming who you truly are is way more important. Conformity is not adulthood.

    1. Conformity is just doing what is expected. Adults make their own decisions. Right or wrong, they set their own path.

  2. It's easy to give up when things go wrong, it takes initiative and strength of will to try to set things right.

    1. Things go wrong, that is a given. It takes effort to make them right. Most people are just not willing to do what is needed.
