Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Growing beyond

Opinions are worthless without demonstration. The air between one's ears cannot be taken seriously. Often, such things are just the mind wandering.

Wanting to be right does not mean you are. There are many things that our hearts desire. That which we want is not always something we can obtain.

Truth has a tendency to prove itself. However, this does not mean the argument will stop. Where emotions are concerned, the debate will rage on.

Adults grow beyond knowing everything. The longer we are here, the less sure we are. For experience has taught us how little we truly know.

History shows us what should and should not be done. Learn from it and you can prosper. Those who do not heed its lessons will repeat its mistakes.

Life is one big obstacle course. Many before us have attempted to complete it. Our success will largely be determined by how well we can adapt.


  1. Learning from mistakes and growing past them is fine... but only if what you think was a mistake actually was a mistake. Often people will try and convince you that something you did was a mistake... when all it was was a hurdle.

    1. There are many things we must get over, and one is ourselves. Just because people think something does not make it so. Be honest with yourself, and all will become clear.

  2. Indeed life can be one big obstacle course, it becomes less evident if you don't play by "the rules" though. There is only one WAY and it doesn't involve running the course set before us. We don't have to worry about and argue right or wrong if we follow the TRUTH.

    1. Playing by the rules is a sure way to fall short. We do what we must because we care. The only consideration should be what is best.
