Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rain or shine

We get pleasure from the simplest of things. It does not need to be grandiose to gain one's interest. That which is tends to be excessively inflated.

Human beings like comfort and convenience. Neither is a problem so long as others are not sacrificed. When they are, joy turns to sorrow.

There are those who would stifle another's enjoyment. Often, these desires are born of envy. Sometimes, they come from pure meanness.

Spreading misery does nothing to diminish your own. And if it would, you have a serious problem. There is no excuse for bringing others down.

This world has woes aplenty. Adding to the pile is not asked for, nor is it wanted. If you wish to be miserable, be considerate and keep it to yourself.

Do not be the dark cloud raining on everyone's parade. Be the ray of sunshine that warms the heart. Then, people will anxiously wait for your arrival. 


  1. I could tell you about some costumers I've had. There are people who do this as a living.

    1. Some people enjoy bringing others down. It makes them feel empowered. When all is said and done, their misery will still be there.

  2. Indeed, when people lose comfort or convenience they have a tendency to try to bring others down with them. It takes effort to forget oneself and become a source of light in the darkest of times; but it is an effort that is well worth it when we see the impact it has on those around us.

    1. Never sacrifice others to get what you want. Instead, encourage them even when you are not feeling encouraged. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
