Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sink or swim

Life is not really good, nor is it bad. Miserable things happen along with wonderful ones. It is up to us to make sure neither of them goes to waste.

No matter how much you win, sometimes you will lose. How we deal with loss says a great deal. If we let it get us down, then all is truly lost.

The rain falls on both the good and bad alike. Often, it pours down upon us like a flood. We must decide whether we will sink or we will swim.

For fear of death, so many fail to live. What does it matter that all things are fated to end? There is a lot of good that can be done while we are here.

There are things that will last even when we are gone. So long as we invest ourselves in such, all will be well. This is the light they cannot put out.

It is in us to fall or to lay down and rest. What matters is that which induced our fatigue. The ones who sit on the sidelines will not win the race.


  1. Yes, life isn't fair. Yes, it isn't all sunshine. Yes, we all have to decide things. Yes, we can still decide to make the best of things. Yes, people will try and stop us, but we can ignore them and rise above... or something. Heard it all before. Thanks. Good job.

    1. Those who have ears to hear will do so. The rest will lament what was heard. It does not change the value of what was written.

  2. The spirit is all that matters, the world may rot away but we will still be who we always were. Giving up is not an option if we realize who we are and give all our heart into what we do.
