Tuesday, August 30, 2016

High expectations

A hypocrite holds other people to a standard to which they will not hold themselves. It is easy to point fingers. Still, such things do come back around.

There is nothing wrong with decrying evil in the world. But you must first deal with what you find inside. Otherwise, no one will hear what you have to say.

High expectations are the burden of the good. Someone who claims better must prove it by their actions. Once credibility is lost, it may never be regained.

Evil people are not expected to be anything else. They live and die, wondering why others do not care. Such have no concern for the woes of those around them.

If you do good, it will come back to haunt you. People will expect a level of perfection heretofore unseen. Self-righteousness leads to self-aggrandizement.

It is always best to lead by example. Why follow someone who does not know where they are going? Only the ones who shine could ever light the way.


  1. The irony that you wrote this blog boggles my mind. I can't even really comment on it properly. It sort of destroys itself under its own weight. The hilarity of it is that what you wrote was true. The problem was the author. Yes, hypocrites often tout positions they will not hold to themselves. Glad you understand the concept so well.

    1. I hold myself to all positions I tout. What I do not do is let others determine what my positions will be. People's expectations are only important if they will make things better.

  2. I try to only have high expectations of myself, simply because I rather be the best I can be than lay judgement upon others. If you are your own person the judgement and the paths of fools are meaningless. Why follow someone indeed.

    1. The expectations of others are a burden, Chris. If you hold yourself to a high standard, these things take care of themselves. No one can judge us if we judge ourselves.
