Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A better way

That which does not adapt does not survive. Change can be painful, but it is necessary. If something is not working, it is foolish to continue doing it.

It is not always easy to know what you should do. Many paths seem like they should lead to your destination. And the shortest route is not always the best.

A better way will prove its superiority. You can discern by the results that your decision was a good one. If you have nothing to show, chances are you have chosen poorly.

Take care not to rush to judgment. The fruits of your labors take time to mature. And a great deal of work will be required.

If you tend the tree and it does not bear fruit, then you cut it down and burn it. Energy is far too precious to waste on wishful thinking. Toss failed notions on the pile and seek out the fresh ones.

Success is a road paved with failure. It does no good to weep for spoiled crops. Save your tears to combine with sweat and blood to make your dreams a reality.


  1. I LOVE the line "Save your tears to combine with sweat and blood to make your dreams a reality." Yes, a plan is not the objective: success is. No success: plan failed. Wisdom is all about being practical for the better.

  2. Practicality is separate from sentimentality. We all want to believe that our ideas are sound. But only the ones that work really are.
