Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Winnowing Way

A poem about loss and gain.

The Winnowing Way

As the wind blows,
each secret shows.
What was hidden
is made manifest.

What did we sow?
What did we grow?
Have we been cursed,
or are we blessed?

Touched by the breeze,
blown through the trees.
Not what we sought,
we have received.

Shells come away,
dropped to decay.
Pests tossed as well,
grant us reprieve.

How have we erred,
lost in the air?
Were these pieces
not parts of us?

Cruelly they fall,
tumbling all,
onto the ground
without a fuss.

What is revealed,
fit for a meal,
it is the grain
that was contained.

Were it not tossed,
this would be lost.
For every gain,
there is a loss.

What do we mourn?
Why be forlorn?
It was the husk
hiding the corn.

Naught did we waste,
now we can taste.
What was concealed,
now we embrace.

These are the things,
each season brings.
Showers will fall,
upon us all.

What will be grown,
shall be made known.
For questions asked,
we will be shown.

As the wind blows,
each secret shows.
Soft it arrives,
swiftly it goes.

What will we sow?
What will we grow?
All of our deeds
one day will show.


  1. This is very well written and has a haunting rhythm to it. It is nice to see you throw a creative endeavor up on your blog.

    1. Poetry is all about economy of words. Use only what you need to communicate. Anything more would be extraneous.

  2. Fantastic poem! Lots of tranquil imagery comes to mind as I read it, the words are very introspective. Personal growth and loss, as well as our life's journey all summed up in beautiful verse.

    1. A picture is worth a thousand words. If you can use them to paint one, there are greater depths to be seen. Sometimes, we lose the things we no longer need.
