Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Beyond the grasp

There are occasions to look back. You evaluate what was done, and what can be done better. Nothing will trip one up like than their own missteps.

Once the path is clear, it is necessary to move forward. While you are progressing is not the time for a second guess. It is too easy to lose momentum.

Focus on your objective, and advance steadily towards it. If you stumble, just keep going. Nothing can stop someone who refuses to be kept down.

When your course has been set, do not deviate from it. Often, our own doubts and misgivings obstruct us. There will always be a reason to halt.

That is when you should break into a run. If others are trying to prevent you, prevent them. No matter how far they reach, stay well beyond their grasp.

This is a world that likes to take. And it does not deal kindly with what it grabs. Give them the fight of their lives, and all they will take is a beating.


  1. do not put your hand to the plow and look over your shoulder.........hmmm. Seems like good advice. Peace and prayers!

    1. When one is plowing, they should look to their work. The time to question is before you get started. Stopping is the last thing to do.

  2. Absolutely, keep moving forward outpacing fear and doubt.

    1. It is not easy to keep ahead of one's own shortcomings. Instead, we must rise above them. Then, they will hinder us no longer.
