Tuesday, August 1, 2017

What we have

Anyone who stops caring, never really did. If it is important, you put your ego to the side. No matter how much pain is endured, no one should be sacrificed.

What we think does not matter. Opinions come and go, and give no help at all. We do not know everything, so we are bound to be wrong sometimes.

There is nothing wrong with believing in yourself. However, it should never be done at another's expense. If you are so sure, then you should foot the bill.

Being right does not make you a better person. Villains are often obsessed with the righteousness of their cause. But inside, there truly is nothing to be seen.

It hurts when people do not care. But following suit only tears you up on the inside. If you cannot end the vicious cycle, at least do nothing to perpetuate it.

The reality is we will not always agree. To dwell on such things is to miss the point. When all is said and done, the only thing we really have is each other.


  1. Absolutely, there is nothing wrong with believing in yourself it should always be for the sake of others. Together we can succeed but alone we will languish.

    1. Success is a two-edged sword. It can provide an audience to one's efforts, but it can also distance them from those who have always cared. Achievement at another's expense is just another form of failure.

  2. Tough love can often be mistaken as uncaring behavior. With your friends are supremely wishy-washy and thrive on reassuring cuddles, one cannot be expected to always placate such things. However, the best we can be expected to do is just be there for them. Perhaps a bit rude, but honest and true.

    1. Tough love can often be translated as "You're hurting? Well, that's tough." If you are only there to kick someone when they are down, it is best to be someplace else. Caring requires a demonstration.
