Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Seeing it through

Life can change in a moment. In the instant you are not looking, that is when something will happen. Whether good or bad, we must see it through.

When you are at your best, the worst could transpire. Tragedy strikes, and the agony is palpable. Bad times come and they have brought along friends.

Or your existence could be at its lowest point. You are starting to wonder why you should bother. And a single kind word will brighten your day.

We cannot expect to be happy in a world full of woe. Sometimes when it rains, it most definitely pours. But do not let those drops fall in vain.

Tears are meant for the cleansing of the soul. Do not let them wash all the goodness away. No burden is so heavy it cannot be lifted for the sake of just one.

People hurt one another, it is what they do. But we must never allow it to darken our hearts. For if we do, that is when we will learn what tragedy is.


  1. Good lord! We know! Fight for a world where that doesn't happen! The only reason any so-called random bad things occurs is because we can't depend on everybody to help us out of those problems AS WELL AS the fact that all the socially distant people in the world are causing it.

    Once again, we all know these things happen. Christ. It isn't about dealing with those things. It's about kicking the shit out of the way that misguided world in the first place. I don't give a damn if you don't believe such things are possible. Just do it anyways and die trying if need be. You better be prepared to take the bullet, Don! It's the only way to make any of this crap better!

    Live as if the world works and kick the crap verbally out of anyone who argues otherwise. I do not live in your wimpy-ass, no-good, worthless, going nowhere world, Don. Stop being a part of the problem and start fighting back for every damn person out there who gives a damn!

    Now that I've said that, I'll talk about your blog. I am glad you you are trying to get people to pick themselves up, but there is still a bit of transference happening here. In essence, it seems to be more about you having problems and then transferring your way of dealing with it to others so we can all be one big group of people standing up from all the bad things. Well congrats all you good people for breaking free of the chains. Now, freaking get out there and be useful!

    1. The world is what it is, Tommy. It is easy to become jaded by what we see and experience. If people recognize this, then they can fight to overcome it.

    2. Tommy is right, my friend. You take woe for granted. I don't blame you. This universe is teeming with viruses. REMEMBER: viruses are not alive. They are husks in the guise of living things that corrupt life. Don't let them bond with what is meant to be.

  2. Unfortunately, what is meant to be is unknown. Here and now, we must deal with what is. I see all the good things, but it does not mean I ignore everything else.

  3. We never know what the future holds we just have to do our best and hope for the best. We have too keep fighting without compromise and see things through for better or worse.

    1. Those who are obsessed with the future do not live in the present. If things get better, it will be as a direct result of what we do here and now. Sometimes, the best you can do is see things through.
