Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fullness of opinion

People are full of opinions. As if their likes and dislikes mean anything in the final analysis. One must prove themselves before their words will have any weight.

It is better to keep our thoughts under wraps. Otherwise, they could get loose and wreak havoc. It is not what is said that matters, but instead what a person does.

Throughout the ages, we have vexed one another with what we think. So many have died in order to prove another's point. Yet, the world just keeps on turning.

Words have power, and many have used them to make others suffer. It is easy to afflict someone with your perspectives. It is hard to simply maintain one's silence.

When we have something to say, we should be heard. But egotistical gratification edifies none. Make the effort to speak so much less and listen so much more.

Thoughts take root and become inspirations. But if they spawn foolishness, then they must be cut down. Or else they will choke the life out of everything.


  1. Truth is not subject to opinion. If you are guessing, you are better off just keeping quiet until the truth gets revealed. We are not meant to know everything at all times.

    1. The problem is that people have an obsession with knowledge. It gives them power over others. They will do anything to shove their opinions down your throat.

  2. Indeed people often confuse their own opinions as truths because of narcissism. If we only see the world through our own eyes our limited perspective will leave us blind to the truth. Feeding an ego is a disgusting waste of time.

    1. Since we do not know everything, we are bound to get things wrong. Opinions are really just our best guess. We take them much more seriously than we should.
