Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Strong foundation

Hearts, like buildings, need a strong foundation. The tallest tower will collapse without one. There are some who live to bring others down to their level.

Those who fail to recognize weaknesses are doomed to succumb to them. The hardest person to face is yourself. One cannot hide from the enemy within.

Some spirits are stronger than others. But even inner strength can grow. It just takes someone determined to stand against the weight of the world.

If you are still swinging, the fight is not over. Take care not to stumble over your own baggage. For the enemy will turn their efforts into keeping you down.

It is quite difficult to remain steadfast in the face of adversity. The ones who cannot will fall. Though bitter tears are shed, the stones will not come back together.

Who can overturn a mountain? Its foundation is deep and secure. The heart also can be unwavering, and when the tempest has passed it shall remain unmoved.


  1. Well yeah. An old thing i used to say a lot was that a pitcher filled with sewage will not dispense kool-aid.

    1. Even without poison, a heart can be too weak to succeed. It takes a lot of gumption to do what others cannot. Those who cannot meet the demands of the game should keep to the sidelines.

  2. Standing against the weight of the world does indeed require a strong foundation, there is none stronger than pure love.

    1. Love gives us strength to face the forces arrayed against us. Without it, we are wasting our time and draining our energy. Those who do not love what they do should find something else.
