Tuesday, August 30, 2016

High expectations

A hypocrite holds other people to a standard to which they will not hold themselves. It is easy to point fingers. Still, such things do come back around.

There is nothing wrong with decrying evil in the world. But you must first deal with what you find inside. Otherwise, no one will hear what you have to say.

High expectations are the burden of the good. Someone who claims better must prove it by their actions. Once credibility is lost, it may never be regained.

Evil people are not expected to be anything else. They live and die, wondering why others do not care. Such have no concern for the woes of those around them.

If you do good, it will come back to haunt you. People will expect a level of perfection heretofore unseen. Self-righteousness leads to self-aggrandizement.

It is always best to lead by example. Why follow someone who does not know where they are going? Only the ones who shine could ever light the way.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Creating a monster

Give one person power over another, and you have created a monster. If one can hurt others, they will. So, you should never give them the chance.

Rights are used to justify all wrongs. When someone has a right, we are expected to accept it. The concerns of the proposed victim are not even considered. 

Only when someone can do whatever they want, can you know who they truly are. Most will take advantage of the situation. The few remaining are the ones who care.

To the abuser, what they do is for retaliation. They were hurt, so somebody else must suffer. Guilt and innocence are irrelevant in matters of vengeance.

Those who treat others badly are asking to receive the same. Do not waste your time trying to get through to them. Banging your head against a wall will only make you dizzy.

Power is a fickle thing, always seeking a new master. The mighty are left to choke on the dust they kicked up. Still, there are many more tyrants waiting in the wings.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Give and take

The hardest thing to resist is temptation. What you want may seem like a good idea, but people could get hurt. Those who care concern themselves with the consequences.

We live in a world where one can have just about all their heart desires. There is a word for desire that sacrifices others: lust. And in the end, it will leave you with nothing.

Love is about giving instead of taking. If only what you want is considered, then the other person is merely a prop. It is shameful to treat anyone as a thing and not a person.

Even if your interest is not wrong, does that make it right? That which does not make things better is not worth doing. Leave it for those whose goal is to go nowhere.

Doing the right thing requires little more than a bit of discipline. Lust actively seeks to devour others. If you care, such a notion will be discarded like the trash it is.

Love is a beautiful thing, bringing people together. Lust cheapens what otherwise could last a lifetime. Two hearts beating as one, now that is quite tempting.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lighting a candle

Doing good will not always feel good. People who help others often suffer for it. Still it is always better to light a candle, than to complain about the darkness.

There will be those who need you when you are weary. Caring can be an exhausting proposition. It is not for those who cannot do without their creature comforts.

People will test your kindly disposition. Will you rise to the occasion? Or shall you fall into selfishness, and bask in a meaningless existence.

A life of safety helps no one. There are risks, but they are not worth mentioning when souls are at stake. Make things better, or stick to the sidelines.

Those who care do not do what they wish, but what they must. It is not required to give up yourself. But the focus should be towards the outside, where you are needed.

Easy is for the weak, and not for the good. True strength must be tested to find its worth. It is not shameful to fall, so long as you give the fight of your life.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Quality counts

Quality is more important than quantity. It is better to have one gold nugget, than a whole pile of useless rocks. What can be done, should be done while the sun is shining.

A gift of time need not be excessive. A few minutes spent with the ones you love are better than hours spent alone. You will have more to show and someone to share it with.

Progress is not measured in giant leaps, but small steps. It matters not how long it takes to reach the goal. So long as you are moving towards it, the outcome is virtually assured.

Life moves us swiftly downstream. Sometimes, there is not an hour to be found. But such things are made of minutes, and often the best we can do is to savor each one.

Something of quality moves slower, because it has more weight behind it. That which is cheap and easy flashes right past. And we remember it for the little it was worth.

Put your heart into that one thing, and you will be surprised at its longevity. People are moved by the craftsmanship displayed. After all, who can forget the unforgettable?