Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Unexpected collisions

Friendships require a great deal of care. Just like snowflakes, no two individuals are exactly alike. The differences should never be allowed to create division.

It is easy to hurt someone without even intending to. This world is a chaotic place, and emotions can be quite volatile. Some unexpected collisions are inevitable.

The bonds are only as strong as the people involved. If you let go, the other party just might drift away. So, it is important to never lose sight of what makes you friends.

When a human being is hurting, it shakes up their whole world. They cannot concentrate on anything else. As a result, they can become quite distant.

But distance is a relative concept, so far and close are a matter of perspective. Though the journey is long, the destination can be reached. It just takes time.

If you care enough, there is nothing that can stand in your way. The world itself is merely a steppingstone. For what matters should not be left behind.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tommy. Sometimes, what is said can cause problems. Other times, the problem lies with what is not said.

  2. The unexpected collisions test a friendship, if it is a true bond then nothing can break it. It requires both parties to be all in, there are no degrees of friendship it either is or isn't.

    1. Friendship can take a lot of wear and tear, Chris. It is as durable as the two parties want it to be. If it can break, then it was not very strong to begin with.

  3. So true on EVERY count. I can't say anything better. PEACE AND PROSPERITY be with you MY FRIEND. I rejoice that you have found the love of your life.

    1. Thanks, Shawn. I can honestly say that your friendship is a blessing to me. Thank you, my friend.
