Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Agreeing to disagree

People put a lot of stock in agreement. It seems the only thing they can agree on is that everyone must agree. This cannot happen, because we are not robots.

Evil is not caring when you should. Far from being a thing, it is simply a lack of something. And those who lack demand that others agree with them.

Everyone has a right to be wrong. As long as no one gets hurt, this is not a problem. Forcing agreement is the spiritual essence of a thing called control.

Throughout history, people have attempted to force what they believe on others. Much blood has been shed to these ends. In the retaining of power, there are no scruples.

What good is it to have power if you are not going to make things better? Someone will arise to take it away. And you will be left with the nothing you made.

Difference comes from being different. It is not something to be extolled, but recognized. Whether people agree or not, it does not mean they cannot be friends.


  1. I try not to get caught up in the agree or disagree business. People too often use it as a weak defense and a way to close the conversation out. I prefer to stay focused and call out trouble when I see it. If I am wrong, then so be it. If people were more honest, I'd be more inclined to be civil about it.

    1. People stay at each other's throats, and that is not healthy. There is a lot of dishonesty out there, so I am not advocating trust. Such things must be earned and are easily lost.

  2. So many things that we agree or disagree about are simply there to divide us and distract us from our true purpose. I say throw the whole thing out, focus all our energy in our creative works so that all may be inspired regardless of our differences.

    1. People prefer being at odds with one another rather than accomplishing anything. It is much easier to destroy than to create. There is much work to do, so we do not have time for their distractions.
