Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Breaking the chains

People are often slaves to their desires. When what you want has you, there is a problem. Things will not improve, so long as we grovel before these idols.

You can become addicted to anything. The only way to free yourself is to break the chains entirely. Being consumed reduces a person to a pile of ashes.

Human beings must overcome their vices. Or else they will be overcome by them. What seems perfectly harmless may conceal a deadly sting.

What we want is not the issue. We should be concerned that we want it more than we should. Think of what lengths one would go to get what they desire.

And when the goal is attained, there is no satisfaction. Because the fruit of lust does not fill the heart. Instead, you wind up with less than you had.

Our spirits can guide our wills to do good. But only when we have a purity of purpose. The tail does not wag the dog: we are responsible for what we become.


  1. Absolutely, people think that they can fill the void of a unrealized potential with worldly trappings. To be whole is to want for nothing, to be free is to be an unbridled spirit of expression.

    1. Worldly trappings bind and choke, Chris. Only when unfettered can a spirit soar. Among the worst fates is to enslave oneself.

  2. I get a little peeved at your blogs that really bring out your own hypocrisy. You have a vanity problem, and when you talk about overcoming things and breaking the chains, it really just sucks the life out of it. I know there are people out there who may not know that about you, but I do, and so I will comment based on that experience. Your last two blogs were very good, but this one fails short along with the person who wrote it. Break your own chains before you encourage others to do so.

    1. Everyone has things that they want, Tommy. And those things become the hooks in their jaws to drag them along. Overcoming obstacles starts with acknowledging them.
