Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Visualize then actualize

People set lofty goals, yet lack the interest to achieve them. Intentions are useless without action. We must put in the effort to realize our aspirations.

Words may sound good, but are empty without deeds. Those quick in the talking are often slow in the doing. The proof can be seen in the outcome.

It is important to actualize what you visualize. Ideas are fine, but they are merely a starting point. These are the raw materials used to make art.

Instead of starting big, focus on something small. Put all your energies into it. When you have succeeded in little, you will be ready for much.

Grander plans require more patience. There will be plenty of obstacles to overcome. Since others do not share your vision, they must be persuaded.

Fanciful notions tend to die on the vine. When a flaw is revealed, focus on a fix. The end result will be a product that is better than you imagined.


  1. Indeed, it's important to visualize your goals then take action. Without the effort ideas are just bubbles in our head. It's ok to think big, but don't lose sight of the details along the way.

    1. People do not like it when you burst those bubbles. They are determined to see only what is in their head. It takes effort for one's visions to see the light of day.

  2. There's a lady in Fargo Season 2 that feels the same way. She's also a loony bird.

    1. People often think it is crazier to do than to dream. Some are afraid, while others are content with their visions. If it is only in your head, then it does no good for anyone.
