Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Realm of wonder

Dreams are the playground of the mind. When we sleep, all manner of creativity takes place. The possibilities are endless in this realm of wonder.

Our eyes are shut to the world, but our imaginations are free to roam. Sometimes, this leads to trouble. Yet, it ends at the moment we awake.

Though we dream a lot, very little is remembered. Upon waking, the memories quickly fade. What seemed so real becomes a vague recollection.

While the body is resting, our minds are quite active. We experience visions which cause both joy and fear. Their meaning is not always apparent.

Perception does not require understanding. One can be aware of much they cannot comprehend. Even in the light of day, many questions go unanswered.

If you remember a dream, it may be important. Your subconscious could be trying to communicate. Be patient until the mystery has been revealed.


  1. Dreams are better than reality, and if we live by them, reality gets more interesting.

    1. Dreams can certainly influence how we live, for better or worse. They could inspire us to do better. However, they can also encourage us into flights of fancy which crash and burn.

  2. Sound advice: Remember your dreams as best you can and wait for the symbols to become intelligible. I think little of people who boast that they control their dreams. If they do such a thing, those dreams can't them anything.

    1. People are obsessed with control. Dreams must flow freely to have any meaning. That which is controlled tends to be contrived.

  3. Dreams are a realm where the rules of reality are no longer in effect. This leaves our minds open to explore our imagination as we were meant to. This can lead to all sorts of epiphanies and realizations.

    1. In dreams, the imagination roams free. Sometimes it plays and other times it hunts. What is found can change everything.
