Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Many threads

What seems like a chance encounter can have deeper significance. Do not take anything for granted. It could be an opportunity to make a friend.

Life has a way of bringing people together. By meeting one person, you might come to know others. These connections can last for quite awhile.

Put your expectations to the side. If a situation does not go well, something good can still come from it. Just keep your eyes and your heart open.

Do not spoil the outcome by trying to determine it. Our knowledge is limited, along with our understanding. Be ready for whatever comes.

We are not the only ones affected by what we do. The slightest mistake can have unintended consequences. No one can really be an island.

Looking back, it will always seem clearer. While it is happening, confusion is likely. Many threads are woven together to make a beautiful tapestry.


  1. The real definition of a zealot is that you are willing to die for a belief. There is nothing actually wrong with this, but... depending on the context of it, it can lead a person to the grave. Humans are usually pretty stupid. They invent their own golden calves all the time. They follow that calf till their death even though nothing was actually there. It felt good though. It felt moral and just. The point is that it just "felt." People often make decisions off of feelings rather than anything with substance. Usually driven by their own egos.

    I'm not saying anything is wrong with having an ago. That is a part of the human starting package. You can't shed it or get rid of it. It will always be there. But it isn't supposed to be captaining the bridge.

    When being a zealot has to do with one's ego, then all hope is lost.

    1. Dying is easy, but living is hard. The world is full of traps to ensnare the unwary. What we want has no bearing on what is real.

  2. We have an impact on the lives of those we meet and vice versa, we never really choose who inspires us and who we inspire. It may seem like it's left up to chance but in actuality it is ourselves that is seeking the connection.

    1. We seek connections and they are provided for us. It is hard to see the shape of things when you are in the midst of them. There is so much yet to be revealed.
