Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Outlook and outcome

In the world we live in, it is easy to get discouraged. That which can be done with ease should be avoided. It takes a lot of effort to produce results.

If we wish to progress, we cannot remain stationary. Steps must be taken in a positive direction. Some difficult decisions might need to be made.

The landscape changes, so we must adjust. A change of one's outlook can decide their outcome. If you cannot go through, then find another way.

Fatigue just means you need to rest. Take the time to recharge your batteries and regain your bearings. Use these precious moments to prepare.

Stubbornness and determination are not the same. Those who are stubborn refuse to adapt. The determined know there is more than one path to take.

What we get is in response to what we give. The more you put in, the better the return. Do not let the difficulty dissuade you from proceeding onward.


  1. Stubbornness is the result of pride, determination sees the obstacles in the way and does something about it. Our outlook influences our success in all things.

    1. Pride shows its face just before you pitch over a cliff. Determination sees the fall coming, and finds another way to make the descent. Those who cling to the former, tend to find themselves spread all over the place.

  2. Humans (like rats) are made for adaptation. We are built for it. In that same light, we were not meant to live by a strict set of rules.

    1. Sadly, many humans will carry their stubbornness to an early grave. Change is not something that is relished. But for the sake of survival, it is often necessary.
